Source code for bandwagon.BandsPattern

"""Define Bandwagon's classes Band, BandPattern, BandsPatternsSet."""

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from copy import deepcopy
from .tools import place_inset_ax_in_data_coordinates, updated_dict

from .Band import Band

[docs]class BandsPattern: """Bands set forming a migration pattern. Also used to define ladders. Parameters ---------- bands Either a list of ``Band`` objects, or a list of DNA sizes e.g. ``[800, 654, 1752]``. In the latter case, a ``ladder`` must be provided to determine the elements. ladder A BandsPattern to use as a ladder in case ``bands`` is a list of DNA sizes. Else leave it to None. label Label to be printed on top of the band pattern. label_fontdict A dict indicating the format of the label if any provided. For instance ``{'size': 7, 'rotation':30, 'color': '#0011aa'}``. corner_note Note to be printed in small prints in the corner of the band lane. Useful to print e.g. the total sum of all bands, or some remark. corner_note_fontdict A dict indicating the format of the label if any provided. For instance ``{'size': 6, 'color': '#0011aa'}``. topology Another type of (top-right) corner note, either "circular" or "linear". background_color Background color of the column in which the pattern is plotted. Either the name of a color or a html code ('#0012e4'). width Width of the column (better keep to 1.0 if you want my humble opinion) global_bands_props Dictionary of band properties overwriting that of all bands in the pattern, e.g. ``{'color': '#012ff45'}``. gel_image A numpy array of size w x h and values in 0-1 representing a gel image. This image will be superimposed on the right of the pattern's color. gel_image_width Width of the gel_image display (remember that the width of the column is 1.0, so 0.2 means this 'photo' will occupy 1/5 of the column, the rest being occupied by the pattern plot). band_is_uncut If True, a "UNCUT" message will be added under the single band. """ def __init__( self, bands, ladder=None, label=None, label_fontdict=None, corner_note=None, corner_note_fontdict=None, topology=None, background_color=None, width=1.0, global_bands_props=None, gel_image=None, gel_image_width=0.2, band_is_uncut=False, ): self.bands = [ Band(band, ladder=ladder) if isinstance(band, (int, float)) else band for band in bands ] self.global_bands_props = ( {} if global_bands_props is None else global_bands_props ) self.ladder = ladder self.label = label self.label_fontdict = label_fontdict self.background_color = background_color self.gel_image = gel_image self.gel_image_width = gel_image_width self.width = width self.corner_note = corner_note self.corner_note_fontdict = corner_note_fontdict self.topology = topology self.band_is_uncut = band_is_uncut self.initialize()
[docs] def initialize(self): """Create the variables necessary to compute some properties. Concerned properties are ``self.dna_sizes``, ``self.migration_distances``, ``self.migration_distances_span``, ``self.dna_size_span``, and indirectly the functions ``dna_size_to_migration`` and ``migration_to_dna_size``. """ if len(self.bands) < 2: return self.dna_sizes, self.migration_distances = [ np.array(e) for e in zip( *[ (band.dna_size, band.migration_distance) for band in sorted(set(self.bands), key=lambda b: b.dna_size) ] ) ] self.migration_distances_span = ( min(self.migration_distances), max(self.migration_distances), ) self.dna_size_span = min(self.dna_sizes), max(self.dna_sizes) self._dna_size_to_migration_interpolator = None self._migration_to_dna_size_interpolator = None
[docs] def dna_size_to_migration(self, dna_sizes): """Return the migration distances for the given dna sizes.""" if self._dna_size_to_migration_interpolator is None: self._dna_size_to_migration_interpolator = CubicSpline( self.dna_sizes, self.migration_distances, bc_type="natural" ) return self._dna_size_to_migration_interpolator(dna_sizes)
[docs] def migration_to_dna_size(self, migration_distances): """Return the dna sizes corresponding to the given migrations.""" if self._migration_to_dna_size_interpolator is None: self._migration_to_dna_size_interpolator = CubicSpline( self.migration_distances[::-1], self.dna_sizes[::-1], bc_type="natural", ) return self._migration_to_dna_size_interpolator(migration_distances)
def _processed_bands(self): """Return the bands modified by ``self.global_bands_props``.""" if self.global_bands_props == {}: return self.bands else: return [b.modified(**self.global_bands_props) for b in self.bands] def _plot_background(self, ax, x_coord): """Return the bands modified by ``self.global_bands_props``.""" if self.background_color is None: return ax.axvspan( xmin=x_coord - self.width / 2.0, xmax=x_coord + self.width / 2.0, color=self.background_color, zorder=-1000, ) def _plot_gel_image(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot the gel image ('photo') at the given coordinates.""" if self.gel_image is None: return # bottom left width height bbox = ( x_coord + 0.45 - self.gel_image_width, 0.95 * ax.get_ylim()[0], self.gel_image_width, 0.90 * abs(ax.get_ylim()[0]), ) new_ax = place_inset_ax_in_data_coordinates(ax, bbox=bbox) # new_ax.plot([0,1,2,3], [0,1,0,1]) new_ax.axis("off") new_ax.imshow(+self.gel_image, interpolation="none", aspect="auto") def _plot_bands(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot all bands at the given x_coordinate on the ax.""" for band in self._processed_bands(): band.plot(ax, x_coord) def _plot_label(self, ax, x_coord): if self.label in (None, ""): return fontdict = updated_dict( { "color": "black", "family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 11, "rotation": 90, }, self.label_fontdict, ) if 10 < fontdict["rotation"] < 80: alignment, shift = "left", -0.2 else: alignment, shift = "center", 0 ax.text( x_coord + shift, 0, " " + self.label, horizontalalignment=alignment, verticalalignment="bottom", fontdict=fontdict, transform=ax.transData, ) def _plot_corner_note(self, ax, x_coord): if self.corner_note in (None, ""): return fontdict = updated_dict( {"size": 5.5, "rotation": 90}, self.corner_note_fontdict ) ax.text( x_coord - self.width / 2.0, 0, self.corner_note + " ", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontdict=fontdict, transform=ax.transData, ) def _plot_topology(self, ax, x_coord): if self.topology in (None, ""): return fontdict = updated_dict( {"size": 5.5, "rotation": 90, "stretch": "condensed"}, self.corner_note_fontdict, ) ax.text( x_coord + self.width / 2.1, 0, "LINEAR " if self.topology == "linear" else "CIRCULAR ", horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", fontdict=fontdict, transform=ax.transData, alpha=0.3, ) def _plot_band_is_uncut(self, ax, x_coord): if not self.band_is_uncut: return max_ladder_migration_distance = max(self.ladder.migration_distances) uncut_label_space = max_ladder_migration_distance / 30.0 fontdict = updated_dict({"size": 5.5}, self.corner_note_fontdict) ax.text( x_coord, -self.bands[0].migration_distance - uncut_label_space, "UNCUT", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="top", fontdict=fontdict, transform=ax.transData, )
[docs] def plot(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot background, bands, label, gel_image at the given x_coord.""" self._plot_background(ax, x_coord) self._plot_bands(ax, x_coord) self._plot_label(ax, x_coord) self._plot_gel_image(ax, x_coord) self._plot_corner_note(ax, x_coord) self._plot_topology(ax, x_coord) self._plot_band_is_uncut(ax, x_coord)
[docs] def merge_with(self, other): """Merge this band pattern with another pattern's bands.""" return self.modified(bands=self.bands + other.bands)
[docs] def modified(self, **attributes): """Return a version of this bands pattern with modified attributes.""" new_obj = deepcopy(self) new_obj.__dict__.update(attributes) new_obj.initialize() return new_obj