Source code for bioprinter.bioprinter

"""Bioprinter: print images with colored bacteria and yeast.

This implements the `bioprint` function, which takes an image and writes a CSV
file that the Labcyte Echo dispenser can use to print the pictures on a plate
using yeast, coli, ...

Written by Zulko at the Edinburgh Genome Foundry.

Original idea and Matlab code by Mike Shen:

from collections import Counter
import csv

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def _rownumber_to_rowname(num):
    """Return the row name corresponding to the row number.

    For instance 0-> A, 1->B, 2->C, ... 26->AA, 27->AB, ... etc.
    if num < 26:
        return "".join(
            [_rownumber_to_rowname(int(num / 26) - 1), _rownumber_to_rowname(num % 26)]

[docs]def bioprint( image_filename, output_filename, bg_color, pigments_wells, resolution=(192, 128), transfer_volume=2.5, pigment_well_capacity=25000, transfer_rate=150, quantified_image_filename=None, ): """Generate a CSV that can be used in the Echo to print the given picture. Example ======= # Let's print the EGF logo ! bioprint( image_filename = "egf_logo.jpeg", output_filename = "egf_logo.csv", bg_color=[255,255,255], # The background of the image is white pigments_wells= { "A1": [0,0,0], # black "A2": [250,120, 10] } # orange ) Parameters ========== image_filename The path the image file to be printed. Can be virtually any size and file format, but make sure the image is well adapted to low resolution yeast printing. If the picture is higher than wide it will be automatically rotated 90 degrees so as to maximize its resolution on the plate (the image aspect ratio is conserved). output_filename The name of the CSV file written by the function, that will then be fed to the Echo. bg_color A triplet (R,G,B) of 0-255 integers indicating which color of the original image represents the background (no pigment) pigments_wells A dictionary of well names and the corresponding pigments. For instance {"A1": [0,10,20], "B1":...}. Only one well per pigment is currently supported. resolution Resolution (width, height) of the printing plate. You must define a plate with these exact same characteristics using the Echo software. Default is (192, 128) (twice the resolution of a 1536-well plate). The aspect ratio of the original image is always automatically conserved. transfer_volume How many microliters of liquid should be used for each pixel. The default, 2.5, works very well and is also the lowest possible value on our Echo. pigment_well_capacity Volume in microliters that one pigment well can dispense. The function raises an error if the total number of pixels for one color exceeds the content of one pigment well, i.e. if transfer_volume * number_pixels > well_capacity transfer_rate Average number of droplet transfers per second, used only to give an estimate of the time required for printing. quantified_image_filename If a path is provided, the quantified picture will be saved as an image file under this name. """ pigments_wells, pigments_colors = zip(*pigments_wells.items()) # Constants of the problem colors = np.vstack([np.array(bg_color), np.array(pigments_colors)]).astype(float) resolution_w, resolution_h = resolution resolution_ratio = 1.0 * resolution_w / resolution_h image = height, width = image.size # IF THE PICTURE IS HIGHER THAN WIDE, CHANGE THE ORIENTATION if height > width: image = image.rotate(90, expand=1) height, width = width, height # RESIZE THE PICTURE TO THE PROVIDED RESOLUTION (KEEP THE ASPECT RATIO) image_ratio = 1.0 * width / height if (height > resolution_h) or (width > resolution_w): if image_ratio > resolution_ratio: new_size = (int(resolution_w / image_ratio), resolution_w) image = image.resize(new_size) else: new_size = (resolution_h, int(resolution_h * image_ratio)) image = image.resize(image, new_size) image = np.array(image) # QUANTIFY THE ORIGINAL IMAGE WITH THE PROVIDED PIGMENTS COLORS image_color_distances = np.dstack( [ ((1.0 * image - color.reshape((1, 1, 3))) ** 2).sum(axis=2) for color in colors ] ) # now image_color_distances[x,y,i] represents the distance between color # i and the color of the image pixel at [x,y]. image_quantnumbers = image_color_distances.argmin(axis=2) # CHECK THAT WE WILL HAVE ENOUGH COLORANT max_pixels_per_color = pigment_well_capacity / transfer_volume counter = Counter(image_quantnumbers.flatten()) for color, count in counter.items(): if (color != 0) and (count > max_pixels_per_color): err_message = "Too much pixels of color #%d. " % ( color ) + "Counted %d, max authorized %d" % (count, max_pixels_per_color) raise ValueError(err_message) # WRITE THE CSV # TO DO: write the wells in an order that miminizes the Echo's travels. with open(output_filename, "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",") writer.writerow([u"Source Well", u"Destination Well", u"Transfer Volume"]) for i, row in enumerate(image_quantnumbers): for j, color in enumerate(row): if color != 0: writer.writerow( [ pigments_wells[color - 1], # source well _rownumber_to_rowname(i) + str(j + 1), # target "well" transfer_volume, ] ) # ESTIMATE THE PRINTING TIME total_pixels = sum([count for (color, count) in counter.items() if color > 0]) print( "%d pixels will be printed in appr. %.1f minutes" % (total_pixels, total_pixels / transfer_rate) ) # SAVE THE QUANTIFIED VERSION OF THE IMAGE IF A FILENAME IS PROVIDED if quantified_image_filename is not None: image_quantified = np.array([colors[y] for y in image_quantnumbers]) pil_image = Image.fromarray(image_quantified.astype("uint8"))