Source code for bandwitch.ClonesObservations.ClonesObservations

"""Classes for parsing and analyzis of DNA migration data."""
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from io import BytesIO
import pandas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from bandwagon import BandsPattern, BandsPatternsSet
import flametree

    from plateo.exporters.plate_to_matplotlib_plots import PlateColorsPlotter
    from plateo.parsers import plate_from_platemap_spreadsheet
    from plateo.containers import Plate96

except ImportError:

    import saboteurs

except ImportError:

from ..bands_predictions import predict_digestion_bands
from import load_record, all_subsets, record_is_linear
from .Clone import Clone
from .BandsObservation import BandsObservation

[docs]class ClonesObservations: """All useful informations for a collection of clones to be validated. Parameters ---------- clones Either a list of Clones (each with a unique name) or a dictionnary ``{name: Clone}``. constructs_records A dictionnary ``{construct_name: biopython_record}`` indicating the sequence of the different constructs. For each construct, set the attribute ``construct.linear = False`` if the construct is circular. """ def __init__(self, clones, constructs_records, partial_cutters=()): """Initialize""" if isinstance(clones, (list, tuple)): clones = OrderedDict([(, clone) for clone in clones]) self.clones = clones clones_constructs = [] for clone in list(clones.values()): if clone.construct_id not in clones_constructs: clones_constructs.append(clone.construct_id) self.constructs_records = OrderedDict( sorted( [ (construct_name, record) for construct_name, record in constructs_records.items() ], key=lambda cst: +100000 if cst[0] not in clones_constructs else clones_constructs.index(cst[0]), ) ) self.constructs_digestions = {ct: {} for ct in constructs_records} self.partial_cutters = partial_cutters
[docs] def get_digestion_bands_for_construct(self, construct_id, digestion): """Return the bands resulting from the digestion of the construct. This function enables some memoization (no digestion is computed twice). Parameters ---------- construct_id ID of the construct as it appears in this object' ``constructs_records``. digestion For instance ``('BamHI', 'XbaI')`` """ construct_digestions = self.constructs_digestions[construct_id] if digestion not in construct_digestions: construct_record = self.constructs_records[construct_id] construct_digestions[digestion] = predict_digestion_bands( str(construct_record.seq), linear=record_is_linear(construct_record, default=True), enzymes=[ enzyme for enzyme in digestion if enzyme not in self.partial_cutters ], partial_cutters=self.partial_cutters, ) return construct_digestions[digestion]
[docs] def get_clone_digestion_bands(self, clone, construct_id=None): """Return ``{digestion: bands}`` for all digestions of this clone.""" if construct_id is None: construct_id = clone.construct_id return { digestion: self.get_digestion_bands_for_construct( construct_id=clone.construct_id, digestion=digestion ) for digestion in clone.digestions }
[docs] def validate_all_clones( self, relative_tolerance=0.05, min_band_cutoff=None, max_band_cutoff=None, ): """Return ``{clone: CloneValidation}`` for all clones.""" return OrderedDict( [ ( clone_name, clone.validate_bands( bands_by_digestion=self.get_clone_digestion_bands( clone ), relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance, min_band_cutoff=min_band_cutoff, max_band_cutoff=max_band_cutoff, ), ) for clone_name, clone in self.clones.items() ] )
[docs] def identify_all_clones( self, relative_tolerance=0.05, min_band_cutoff=None, max_band_cutoff=None, ): """Return ``{clone: {construct_id: CloneValidation}}`` for all clones. Parameters ---------- relative_tolerance Tolerance, as a ratio of the full ladder span. If =0.1, then the discrepancy will have a value of 1 when a band's nearest correspondent in the other pattern is more that 10% of the ladder span apart. min_band_cutoff Discrepancies involving at least one band below this minimal band size will be ignored. By default, it will be set to the smallest band size in the ladder. max_band_cutoff Discrepancies involving at least one band above this minimal band size will be ignored. By default, it will be set to the smallest band size in the ladder. """ return OrderedDict( [ ( clone_name, { construct_id: clone.validate_bands( bands_by_digestion=self.get_clone_digestion_bands( clone, construct_id=construct_id ), relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance, min_band_cutoff=min_band_cutoff, max_band_cutoff=max_band_cutoff, ) for construct_id in self.constructs_records }, ) for clone_name, clone in self.clones.items() ] )
[docs] def validations_summary(self, validations, sort_clones_by_score=True): """Return ``{construct_id: [CloneValidation, ...]}``. To each construct corresponds a list of the validation of all clones associated with that construct, from the best-scoring to the least-scoring. """ results = OrderedDict() for clone_name, validation in validations.items(): construct_id = self.clones[clone_name].construct_id if construct_id not in results: results[construct_id] = [] results[construct_id].append(validation) if sort_clones_by_score: for cst_id, validations in results.items(): results[cst_id] = sorted( validations, key=lambda v: v.max_discrepancy ) return results
[docs] def plot_validations_plate_map(self, validations, target=None, ax=None): """Plot a map of the plate with passing/failing wells in green/red.""" if not PLATEO_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("This function requires Plateo installed") plate = Plate96("Validations map") constructs_colors = {} for well in plate.iter_wells(): if not in validations: = None = (1, 1, 1, 0.1) else: validation = validations[] construct = validation.clone.construct_id if construct not in constructs_colors: alpha = ((0.35 * len(constructs_colors) % 1) + 0.2) / 2 constructs_colors[construct] = (0.4, 0.4, 0.76, alpha) = constructs_colors[construct] = ( (0.43, 0.92, 0.49) if validation.passes else (0.91, 0.43, 0.43) ) bg_plotter = PlateColorsPlotter(lambda w: ax, _ = bg_plotter.plot_plate(plate, figsize=(10, 5), ax=ax) pass_plotter = PlateColorsPlotter( lambda w:, well_radius=250 ) pass_plotter.plot_plate(plate, ax=ax) if target is not None: ax.figure.savefig(target, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(ax.figure) else: return ax
def validations_summary_table(self, validations, target=None): validations_summary = self.validations_summary(validations) records = [] for construct, data in validations_summary.items(): best_clone = None valid_clones = [clone for clone in data if clone.passes] best_clone_name = None if len(valid_clones): best_clone = min(valid_clones, key=lambda c: c.max_discrepancy) best_clone_name = other_valid_clones = ", ".join( [ for clone in valid_clones if != best_clone_name ] ) records.append( dict( construct=construct, n_clones=len(data), valid_clones=len(valid_clones), best_clone=best_clone_name, other_valid_clones=other_valid_clones, ) ) dataframe = pandas.DataFrame.from_records( records, columns=[ "construct", "n_clones", "valid_clones", "best_clone", "other_valid_clones", ], ) if target is not None: dataframe.to_csv(target, index=False) return dataframe
[docs] def plot_all_validations_patterns( self, validations, target=None, per_digestion_discrepancy=False ): """Plot a Graphic report of the gel validation. The report displays the patterns, with green and red backgrounds depending on whether they passed the validation test. Parameters ---------- target_file File object or file path where to save the figure. If provided, the function returns none, else the function returns the axes array of the final figure relative_tolerance Relative error tolerated on each band for the ovserved patterns to be considered similar to the expected patterns. min_band_cutoff Bands with a size below this value will not be considered max_band_cutoff Bands with a size above this value will not be considered """ summary = self.validations_summary(validations) max_x = ( Counter( [clone.construct_id for clone in self.clones.values()] ).most_common(1)[0][1] + 2 ) digestions_by_construct = {construct: [] for construct in summary} for construct, validations in summary.items(): for validation in validations: for digestion in validation.discrepancies: if digestion not in digestions_by_construct[construct]: digestions_by_construct[construct].append(digestion) # ladder = list(validations[0].clone.digestions.values())[0].ladder pdf_io = BytesIO() with PdfPages(pdf_io) as pdf: for construct_id, validations in summary.items(): ladder = list(validations[0].clone.digestions.values())[ 0 ].ladder digestions = digestions_by_construct[construct_id] band_patterns = OrderedDict() seen_clones = set() for i, digestion in enumerate(digestions): reference_bands = self.get_digestion_bands_for_construct( construct_id, digestion ) reference = BandsPattern( bands=reference_bands, ladder=ladder, label="exp." if (i == 0) else None, background_color="#c6dcff", corner_note="Total: %d bp" % sum(reference_bands), global_bands_props={"label_fontdict": {"size": 5}}, ) sorted_bands = sorted( reference.bands, key=lambda b: -b.dna_size ) for band_name, band in zip("abcdefghijklm", sorted_bands): band.label = band_name patterns = [] for validation in validations: clone_name = label = None if clone_name in seen_clones else "auto" pattern = validation.to_bandwagon_bandpattern( digestion=digestion, label=label, per_digestion_discrepancy=per_digestion_discrepancy, ) if pattern is not None: seen_clones.add(clone_name) patterns.append(pattern) band_patterns[digestion] = BandsPatternsSet( [reference] + patterns, ladder=ladder, label=" + ".join(digestion), ladder_ticks=5, global_patterns_props={ "label_fontdict": {"rotation": 60} }, ) digestions = digestions_by_construct[construct_id] fig, axes = plt.subplots( len(digestions), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(1.1 * max_x, 3 * len(digestions)), ) if len(digestions) == 1: axes = [axes] axes[-1].set_xlim(right=max_x) for ax, (dig, pattern_set) in zip(axes, band_patterns.items()): pattern_set.plot(ax) axes[-1].set_xlabel( construct_id, fontdict=dict(size=14, weight="bold"), ha="left", position=(0.0, 0.1), ) pdf.attach_note(construct_id) # Temporary fix because of Matplotlib bug #12634 pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) pdf_data = pdf_io.getvalue() if target is None: return pdf_data elif target == "base64": return "data:application/pdf;base64," + pdf_data.decode("utf-8") else: with open(target, "wb") as f: f.write(pdf_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def identify_bad_parts( validations, constructs_parts, constructs_records=None, report_target=None, extra_failures=None, ): """Identifies parts associated with failure in the validations. Uses the Saboteurs library: Parameters ---------- validations validations results constructs_parts Either a dict {construct_id: [list, of, part, names]} or a function (biopython_record => [list, of, part, names]) report_target Can be a path to file or file-like object where to write a PDF report. Can also be "@memory", at which case the raw binary PDF data is returned Returns ------- analysis, pdf_data Where ``analysis`` is the result of sabotage analysis (see the saboteurs library), and pdf_data is None unless report_target is set to "@memory" (see above). """ if not SABOTEURS_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( "You must install the saboteurs library to" "be able to identify bad parts. Try:\n\n" "(sudo) pip install saboteurs" ) if hasattr(constructs_parts, "__call__"): constructs_parts = { record_id: constructs_parts(record) for record_id, record in constructs_records.items() } extra_failures = extra_failures or {} constructs_stats = OrderedDict() for clone_name, validation in validations.items(): construct_id = validation.clone.construct_id if construct_id not in constructs_stats: constructs_stats[construct_id] = dict( exp_id=construct_id, attempts=0, failures=0, members=constructs_parts[construct_id], ) stats = constructs_stats[construct_id] stats["attempts"] += 1 stats["failures"] += not validation.passes for construct_id, weight in extra_failures.items(): constructs_stats[construct_id] = dict( exp_id=construct_id, attempts=weight, failures=weight, members=constructs_parts[construct_id], ) # import json # print (json.dumps(constructs_stats, indent=2)) analysis = saboteurs.find_statistical_saboteurs(constructs_stats) report_data = None if report_target is not None: report_data = saboteurs.statistics_report(analysis, report_target) return analysis, report_data
[docs] def write_identification_report( self, target_file=None, relative_tolerance=0.05, min_band_cutoff=None, max_band_cutoff=None, ): """Plot a Graphic report of the gel validation. The report displays the patterns, with green and red backgrounds depending on whether they passed the validation test. Parameters ---------- target_file File object or file path where to save the figure. If provided, the function returns none, else the function returns the axes array of the final figure relative_tolerance Relative error tolerated on each band for the ovserved patterns to be considered similar to the expected patterns. min_band_cutoff Bands with a size below this value will not be considered max_band_cutoff Bands with a size above this value will not be considered """ bands_validities = self.compute_all_bands_validities( relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance, min_band_cutoff=min_band_cutoff, max_band_cutoff=max_band_cutoff, ) L = len(self.constructs_records) max_x = ( max(len(measures) for measures in self.observed_bands.values()) + 1 ) fig, axes = plt.subplots(L, 1, figsize=(2.2 * max_x, 3 * L)) axes_validities = zip(axes, bands_validities.items()) for ax, (construct_id, validities) in axes_validities: reference = BandsPattern( self.expected_bands[construct_id], ladder=self.ladder, label="exp.", background_color="#c6dcff", corner_note="Total: %d bp" % sum(self.expected_bands[construct_id]), global_bands_props={"label_fontdict": {"size": 5}}, ) sorted_bands = sorted(reference.bands, key=lambda b: -b.dna_size) for band_name, band in zip("abcdefghijklm", sorted_bands): band.label = band_name patterns = [ BandsPattern( self.observed_bands[construct_id][measure_name], corner_note="Total: %d bp" % sum(self.observed_bands[construct_id][measure_name]), ladder=self.ladder, label=measure_name, gel_image=self.migration_images[measure_name], background_color="#aaffaa" if validities[measure_name] else "#ffaaaa", ) for measure_name in self.observed_bands[construct_id] ] patterns_set = BandsPatternsSet( [reference] + patterns, ladder=self.ladder, label=construct_id, ladder_ticks=5, global_patterns_props={"label_fontdict": {"rotation": 60}}, ) ax.set_xlim(0.5, max_x + 2) patterns_set.plot(ax) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) if target_file is not None: fig.savefig(target_file, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) else: return axes
@staticmethod def from_files( records_path, constructs_map_path, aati_zip_path, digestions_map_path=None, digestion=None, direction="column", ignore_bands_under=None, topology="circular" ): constructs_records = { f._name_no_extension: load_record("r"), topology=topology, id=f._name_no_extension, file_format='genbank' ) for f in flametree.file_tree(records_path)._all_files } constructs_records = OrderedDict(sorted(constructs_records.items())) constructs_plate = plate_from_platemap_spreadsheet( constructs_map_path, data_field="construct", headers=True ) constructs_map = OrderedDict( [ (, for well in constructs_plate.iter_wells(direction=direction) if "construct" in and str( != "nan" ] ) if digestion: digestion = tuple(digestion) digestions_map = OrderedDict( [(wellname, digestion) for wellname in constructs_map] ) else: digestions_plate = plate_from_platemap_spreadsheet( digestions_map_path, data_field="digestion", headers=True ) digestions_map = OrderedDict( [ (, tuple(", "))) for well in digestions_plate.iter_wells( direction=direction ) if "digestion" in and str( != "nan" ] ) observations = BandsObservation.from_aati_fa_archive( aati_zip_path, direction=direction, ignore_bands_under=ignore_bands_under, ) clones = Clone.from_bands_observations( observations, constructs_map, digestions_map ) clones_observations = ClonesObservations(clones, constructs_records) return clones_observations
[docs] def partial_digests_analysis(self, relative_tolerance=0.05): """Compute good clones under different partial digest assumptions. Returns a dictionnary ``{partial: {'valid_clones': 60, 'label': 'x'}}`` where for a given scenario ``partial`` is a tuple of all enzymes considered to have partia activity in this scenario (it defines the scenario) ``valid_clones`` is the number of good clones under this assumption, and ``label`` is a string representation of all enzymes involved, with partial activity enzymes in parenthesis. This result can be fed to ``ClonesObservations``'s ``.plot_partial_digests_analysis`` method for plotting """ all_enzymes = set( enzyme for clone in self.clones.values() for digestion in clone.digestions for enzyme in digestion ) all_enzymes results = {} for good_cutters in all_subsets(all_enzymes): partial_cutters = tuple( [e for e in all_enzymes if e not in good_cutters] ) clones_observations = ClonesObservations( self.clones, self.constructs_records, partial_cutters=partial_cutters, ) validations = clones_observations.validate_all_clones( relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance ) label = " + ".join( sorted(good_cutters) + sorted(["(%s)" % c for c in partial_cutters]) ) valid_clones = sum([v.passes for name, v in validations.items()]) results[partial_cutters] = { "label": label, "validations": validations, "valid_clones": valid_clones, } return results
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_partial_digests_analysis(analysis_results, ax=None): """Plot partial digests analysis results. Parameters ---------- analysis_results results from ``ClonesObservations.partial_digest_analysis`` ax A Matplotlib ax. If none, one is created and returned at the end. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 0.5 * len(analysis_results))) ax.axis("off") values, labels = zip( *sorted( [ (data["valid_clones"], data["label"]) for partial, data in analysis_results.items() ] ) ) ax.barh(range(len(values)), values) for i, (value, label) in enumerate(zip(values, labels)): ax.text( 0, i, label + " ", ha="right", va="center", fontweight=("normal" if "(" in label else "bold"), ) ax.text( value, i, str(value) + " ", ha="right", va="center", fontdict={"color": "white", "weight": "bold"}, ) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, len(values) - 0.5) ax.set_title("Number of good clones, by scenario") return ax
@staticmethod def merge_observations(observations_list, prefixes=None): prefixes = prefixes or (len(observations_list) * [""]) clones = OrderedDict( [ (pref + k, v) for pref, obs in zip(prefixes, observations_list) for k, v in obs.clones.items() ] ) constructs_records = { name: record for obs in observations_list for name, record in obs.constructs_records.items() } partial_cutters = tuple( enzyme for obs in observations_list for enzyme in obs.partial_cutters ) return ClonesObservations(clones, constructs_records, partial_cutters)