Source code for dnacauldron.SequenceRepository

from .biotools import (
from fuzzywuzzy import process

class NotInRepositoryError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, parts, repository): = parts
        self.repository = repository


        suggestions = [
            for part_name in parts
        suggestions = ", ".join(suggestions)
        message = "Parts not found in %s: %s" % (, suggestions)
    def create_part_suggestion_string(self, part_name):
        suggestions = self.repository.suggest_part_names(part_name)
        if len(suggestions) == 0:
            return part_name
        return "%s (did you mean %s ?)" % (part_name, " or ".join(suggestions))

class RepositoryDuplicateError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, parts, repository): = parts
        self.repository = repository
        parts_list = ", ".join(parts)
        if len(parts_list) > 150:
            parts_list = parts_list[:150] + "..."
        parts = "Part ID%s %s" % ("s" if len(parts) > 1 else "", parts_list)
        repo_name = (" in " + if else ""
        message = parts + " duplicated in " + repo_name

[docs]class SequenceRepository: """Sequence repositories store and provide sequence records. The records are organized into collections, for instance "parts" to host parts, "constructs" for records created during assembly plan simulation, or any other collection name like "emma_connectors" to store EMMA connectors. The suggested initialization of a sequence repository is: >>> repository = SequenceRepository() >>> repository.import_records(files=['part.fa', '', etc.]) Parameters ---------- collections A dict {'collection_name': {'record_id': record, ...}, ...} giving for each collection a dict of Biopython records. name The name of the repository as it may appear in error messages and other reports. """ def __init__(self, collections=None, name="repo"): self.collections = collections or {} = name
[docs] def add_record(self, record, collection="parts"): """Add one record to a collection, using its as key. The collection is created if it doesn't exist. The record can also be a pair (id, "ATGTGCC..."). """ if isinstance(record, (tuple, list)): _id, _sequence = record record = sequence_to_biopython_record(_sequence, id=_id) if self.contains_record( raise RepositoryDuplicateError([], repository=self) if collection not in self.collections: self.collections[collection] = {} self.collections[collection][] = record
[docs] def add_records(self, records, collection="parts"): """Add """ if len(records) == 0: return for record in records: self.add_record(record, collection=collection)
[docs] def contains_record(self, record_id): """Return whether the repo has a record corresponding to the given id """ collections = self.collections.values() return any(record_id in collection for collection in collections)
[docs] def get_record(self, record_id): """Return the record from the repository from its ID.""" for collection in self.collections.values(): if record_id in collection: return collection[record_id] raise NotInRepositoryError([record_id], self)
[docs] def get_records(self, record_ids): """Get a list of records from a list of record IDs.""" records = [] not_in_repository = [] for name in record_ids: if self.contains_record(name): records.append(self.get_record(name)) else: not_in_repository.append(name) if len(not_in_repository): raise NotInRepositoryError(not_in_repository, repository=self) return records
[docs] def import_records( self, files=None, folder=None, collection="parts", use_file_names_as_ids=True, topology="default_to_linear", ): """Import records into the repository, from files and zips and folders. Parameters ---------- files A list of file paths, either Genbank, Fasta, Snapgene (.dna), or zips containing any of these formats. folder Path to a folder which can be provided instead of ``files``. collection Name of the collection under which to import the new records. use_file_names_as_ids If True, the file name will be used as ID for any record obtained from a single-record file (fasta files with many records will still use the internal ID). topology Can be "circular", "linear", "default_to_circular" (will default to circular if ``annotations['topology']`` is not already set) or "default_to_linear". """ if folder is not None: records = load_records_from_files( folder=folder, use_file_names_as_ids=use_file_names_as_ids ) elif files is not None: records = load_records_from_files( files=files, use_file_names_as_ids=use_file_names_as_ids, ) else: raise ValueError("Provide either ``files`` or ``folder``") for r in records: set_record_topology(r, topology) self.add_records(records, collection=collection)
[docs] def get_part_names_by_collection(self, format="dict"): """Return a dictionnary or a string representing the repo's content. Format: "dict" or "string" """ result = { collection_name: list(parts.keys()) for collection_name, parts in self.collections.items() } if format == "dict": return result else: return "\n".join( "\n".join([name] + ["- " + part for part in sorted(parts)]) for name, parts in result.items() )
[docs] def get_all_part_names(self): """Return the list of all part names""" parts = [ part for collection in self.collections.values() for part in collection ] return sorted(parts)
[docs] def suggest_part_names(self, query, cutoff=90, limit=3): """Suggest part names in the repo close to the given query.""" search = process.extract(query, self.get_all_part_names()) return [ name for (name, score) in sorted(search, key=lambda e: -e[1]) if score >= cutoff ][:limit]