Source code for dnachisel.Location

"""Implements the Location class.

The class has useful methods for finding overlaps between locations, extract
a subsequence from a sequence, etc.

from .biotools import reverse_complement
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation

[docs]class Location: """Represent a segment of a sequence, with a start, end, and strand. Warning: we use Python's splicing notation, so Location(5, 10) represents sequence[5, 6, 7, 8, 9] which corresponds to nucleotides number 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The data structure is similar to a Biopython's FeatureLocation, but with different methods for different purposes. Parameters ---------- start Lowest position index of the segment. end Highest position index of the segment. strand Either 1 or -1 for sense or anti-sense orientation. """ __slots__ = ["strand", "start", "end"] def __init__(self, start, end, strand=0): """Initialize.""" self.start = start self.end = end self.strand = strand
[docs] def overlap_region(self, other_location): """Return the overlap span between two locations (None if None).""" if other_location.start < self.start: left_location, right_location = other_location, self else: left_location, right_location = self, other_location if right_location.start >= left_location.end: return None start = right_location.start end = min(left_location.end, right_location.end) return Location(start, end, self.strand)
[docs] def extended( self, extension_length, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None, left=True, right=True, ): """Extend the location of a few basepairs on each side.""" if left: lower = max(lower_limit, self.start - extension_length) else: lower = self.start if right: upper = self.end + extension_length if upper_limit is not None: upper = min(upper_limit, upper) else: upper = self.end return Location(lower, upper, self.strand)
[docs] def extract_sequence(self, sequence): """Return the subsequence read at the given location.""" result = sequence[self.start : self.end] if self.strand == -1: return reverse_complement(result) else: return result
[docs] def to_tuple(self): """Return (start, end, strand).""" return (self.start, self.end, self.strand)
@property def indices(self): result = list(range(self.start, self.end)) return result if (self.strand != -1) else result[::-1] def __geq__(self, other): """Greater than.""" return self.to_tuple() >= other.to_tuple() def __lt__(self, other): """Lower than.""" return self.to_tuple() < other.to_tuple() def __add__(self, number): """Return the location shifted by the number.""" return Location(self.start + number, self.end + number, self.strand) def __sub__(self, number): """Return the location shifted by the number.""" return Location(self.start - number, self.end - number, self.strand) def __repr__(self): """Represent.""" result = "%d-%d" % (self.start, self.end) if self.strand is not None: result += {1: "(+)", -1: "(-)", 0: ""}[self.strand] return result def __len__(self): """Size of the location.""" return self.end - self.start
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_overlapping_locations(locations): """Return a list of locations obtained by merging all overlapping.""" if len(locations) == 0: return locations locations = sorted(locations) new_locations = [locations[0]] for loc in locations[1:]: if new_locations[-1].overlap_region(loc) is not None: new_locations[-1].end = max(new_locations[-1].end, loc.end) else: new_locations.append(loc) return new_locations
[docs] @staticmethod def from_biopython_location(location): """Return a DnaChisel Location from a Biopython location.""" start, end, strand = [ None if e is None else int(e) for e in [location.start, location.end, location.strand] ] return Location(start, end, strand)
@staticmethod def from_tuple(some_tuple, default_strand=0): if len(some_tuple) == 2: start, end = some_tuple strand = default_strand else: start, end, strand = some_tuple return Location(start, end, strand)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data(location_data): """Return a location, from varied data formats. This method is used in particular in every built-in specification to quickly standardize the input location. ``location_data`` can be a tuple (start, end) or (start, end, strand), or a Biopython FeatureLocation, or a Location instance. In any case, a new Location object will be returned. """ if location_data is None: return None if isinstance(location_data, (tuple, list)): return Location.from_tuple(location_data) if isinstance(location_data, FeatureLocation): feature_location = Location.from_biopython_location(location_data) if feature_location.strand is None: feature_location.strand = 0 return feature_location if isinstance(location_data, Location): return Location( location_data.start, location_data.end, location_data.strand )
[docs] def to_biopython_location(self): """Return a Biopython FeatureLocation equivalent to the location.""" start, end, strand = [ None if e is None else int(e) for e in [self.start, self.end, self.strand] ] return FeatureLocation(start, end, strand)
[docs] def to_biopython_feature(self, feature_type="misc_feature", **qualifiers): """Return a Biopython SeqFeature with same location and custom qualifiers.""" return SeqFeature( self.to_biopython_location(), type=feature_type, qualifiers=qualifiers, )