Source code for dnachisel.MutationSpace.MutationChoice

from ..biotools import windows_overlap
import itertools
import numpy as np

[docs]class MutationChoice: """Represent a segment of a sequence with several possible variants. Parameters ---------- segment A pair (start, end) indicating the range of nucleotides concerned. We are applying Python range, so variants A set of sequence variants, at the given position Examples -------- >>> choice = MutationChoice((70, 73), {}) """ __slots__ = ["segment", "start", "end", "variants", "is_any_nucleotide"] def __init__(self, segment, variants, is_any_nucleotide=False): if isinstance(segment, int): segment = (segment, segment + 1) self.segment = segment self.start, self.end = segment self.variants = variants self.is_any_nucleotide = is_any_nucleotide # self.possible_subsequences = set(m.subsequence for m in mutations)
[docs] def random_variant(self, sequence): """Return one of the variants, randomly.""" subsequence = sequence[self.start : self.end] variants = [v for v in self.variants if v != subsequence] # the sorting of variants seems essential to ensure reproducibility # between sessions. # it does not slow down the global algorithm (or less than 3%) variants = sorted(variants) return variants[np.random.randint(len(variants))]
[docs] def merge_with(self, others): """Merge this mutation choice with others to form a single choice Examples: --------- >>> ((2, 5), {'ATT', 'ATA'}) merged with: >>> [ >>> ((0, 3), {'GTA', 'GCT', 'GTT'}), >>> ((3, 4), {'A', 'T', 'G', 'C'}), >>> ((4, 7), {'ATG', 'ACC', 'CTG'}) >>> ] returns the only choices on the full interval which are compatible with at least one choice in each of the MutationChoices >>> (0, 7), {'GTATACC', 'GTATATG'} """ others = sorted(others, key=lambda o: o.start) others_start = others[0].start final_segment = others_start, others[-1].end final_variants = set() for candidate in self.variants: slots = [] for other in others: istart, iend = windows_overlap(other.segment, self.segment) slot = [] for variant in other.variants: subseq = variant[istart - other.start : iend - other.start] subcandidate = candidate[ istart - self.start : iend - self.start ] if subseq == subcandidate: slot.append(variant) slots.append(slot) for subseqs in itertools.product(*slots): seq = "".join(subseqs) matching_seq = seq[ self.start - others_start : self.end - others_start ] if matching_seq == candidate: final_variants.add(seq) return MutationChoice(segment=final_segment, variants=final_variants)
[docs] def extract_varying_region(self): """Return MutationChoices for the central varying region and 2 flanks. For instance: >>> choice = MutationChoice((5, 12), [ >>> 'ATGCGTG', >>> 'AAAAATG', >>> 'AAATGTG', >>> 'ATGAATG', >>> ]) >>> choice.extract_varying_region() Result : >>> [ >>> MutChoice(5-6 A), >>> MutChoice(6-10 TGCG-AATG-TGAA-AAAA), >>> MutChoice(10-12 TG) >>> ] """ if len(self.variants) <= 1: return [self] variants = list(self.variants) reference = variants[0] start = -1 end = len(reference) for i in range(len(reference)): for variant in variants[1:]: if variant[i] != reference[i]: if start == -1: start = i end = i + 1 break result = [] if start > 0: result.append( MutationChoice( (self.start, self.start + start), set([reference[:start]]) ) ) result.append( MutationChoice( (self.start + start, self.start + end), set([v[start:end] for v in variants]), ) ) if end < len(reference): result.append( MutationChoice( (self.start + end, self.end), set([v[end:] for v in variants]), ) ) return result
def __repr__(self): """Represent.""" subsequences = "-".join(self.variants) return "MutChoice(%d-%d %s)" % (self.start, self.end, subsequences) def __str__(self): """Represent.""" subsequences = "-".join(self.variants) return "MutChoice(%d-%d %s)" % (self.start, self.end, subsequences)