Source code for dnachisel.SequencePattern.MotifPssmPattern

from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio import motifs
from Bio.Align.AlignInfo import PSSM
from .SequencePattern import SequencePattern
import numpy as np

[docs]class MotifPssmPattern(SequencePattern): """Motif pattern represented by a Position-Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM). This class is better instantiated by creating a pattern from a set of sequence strings with ``MotifPssmPattern.from_sequences()``, or reading pattern(s) for a file with ``MotifPssmPattern.from_file()``. Parameters ---------- pssm A Bio.Align.AlignInfo.PSSM object. threshold locations of the sequence with a PSSM score above this value will be considered matches. For convenience, a relative_threshold can be given instead. relative_threshold Value between 0 and 1 from which the threshold will be auto-computed. 0 means "match everything", 1 means "only match the one (or several) sequence(s) with the absolute highest possible score". """ def __init__( self, pssm, threshold=None, relative_threshold=None, ): = self.pssm = pssm.pssm if relative_threshold is not None: mini, maxi = self.pssm.min, self.pssm.max threshold = mini + relative_threshold * (maxi - mini) self.threshold = threshold self.relative_threshold = relative_threshold self.size = pssm.length self.pssm_matrix = np.array([self.pssm[n] for n in "ATGC"]) self.is_palyndromic = False
[docs] @classmethod def apply_pseudocounts(cls, motif, pseudocounts): """Add pseudocounts to the motif's pssm matrix. Add nothing if pseudocounts is None, auto-compute pseudocounts if pseudocounts="jaspar", else just attribute the pseudocounts as-is to the motif. """ if pseudocounts is not None: if pseudocounts == "jaspar": pseudocounts = motifs.jaspar.calculate_pseudocounts(motif) motif.pseudocounts = pseudocounts
[docs] def find_matches_in_string(self, sequence): """Find all positions where the PSSM score is above threshold.""" # NOTE: Before, I made my PSSM searches with Biopython. It was looong! # Now I use Numpy and np.choice(), and I never looked back # sequence = Seq(sequence, alphabet=alphabet) # search = # sequence, threshold=self.threshold, both=False # ) indices = find_pssm_matches_with_numpy( pssm_matrix=self.pssm_matrix, sequence=sequence, threshold=self.threshold, ) return [(i, i + self.size, 1) for i in indices]
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequences( cls, sequences, name="unnamed", pseudocounts="jaspar", threshold=None, relative_threshold=None, ): """Return a PSSM pattern computed from same-length sequences. Parameters ---------- sequences A list of same-length sequences. name Name to give to the pattern (will appear in reports etc.). pseudocounts Either a dict {"A": 0.01, "T": ...} or "jaspar" for automatic pseudocounts from the Biopython.motifs.jaspar module (recommended), or None for no pseudocounts at all (not recommended!). threshold locations of the sequence with a PSSM score above this value will be considered matches. For convenience, a relative_threshold can be given instead. relative_threshold Value between 0 and 1 from which the threshold will be auto-computed. 0 means "match everything", 1 means "only match the one (or several) sequence(s) with the absolute highest possible score". """ sequences = [Seq(s) for s in sequences] motif = motifs.create(sequences) cls.apply_pseudocounts(motif, pseudocounts) pssm = PSSM(motif.pssm) = name return MotifPssmPattern( pssm=pssm, threshold=threshold, relative_threshold=relative_threshold, )
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_file( cls, motifs_file, file_format, threshold=None, pseudocounts="jaspar", relative_threshold=None, ): """Return a list of PSSM patterns from a file in JASPAR, MEME, etc. Parameters ---------- motifs_file Path to a motifs file, or file handle. file_format File format. one of "jaspar", "meme", "TRANSFAC". pseudocounts Either a dict {"A": 0.01, "T": ...} or "jaspar" for automatic pseudocounts from the Biopython.motifs.jaspar module (recommended), or None for no pseudocounts at all (not recommended!). threshold locations of the sequence with a PSSM score above this value will be considered matches. For convenience, a relative_threshold can be given instead. relative_threshold Value between 0 and 1 from which the threshold will be auto-computed. 0 means "match everything", 1 means "only match the one (or several) sequence(s) with the absolute highest possible score". """ if isinstance(motifs_file, str): with open("./jaspar.txt", "r") as f: motifs_list = motifs.parse(f, file_format) else: motifs_list = motifs.parse(motifs_file, file_format) if pseudocounts is not None: for motif in motifs_list: cls.apply_pseudocounts(motif, pseudocounts) return [ MotifPssmPattern( pssm, threshold=threshold, relative_threshold=relative_threshold, ) for pssm in motifs_list ]
def __str__(self): if self.relative_threshold is not None: threshold = "%d%%" % (100 * self.relative_threshold) else: threshold = "%.2f" % self.threshold return "%s-PSSM(%s+)" % (, threshold) def __repr__(self): if self.relative_threshold is not None: threshold = "%d%%" % (100 * self.relative_threshold) else: threshold = "%.2f" % self.threshold return "%s-PSSM(%s+)" % (, threshold)
def find_pssm_matches_with_numpy(pssm_matrix, sequence, threshold): """Return every index in the +1 strand wit a PSSM score above threshold. My numpy-based implementation is 10 times faster than Biopython for some reason. Weird. Can someone else check? Parameters: ----------- pssm A matrix whose rows give the frequency motif of ATGC (in this order). sequence A string representing a DNA sequence. threshold Every index with a score above this threshold will be returned. """ nucleotide_to_index = dict(zip("ATGC", range(4))) len_pattern = len(pssm_matrix[0]) # If sequence is small, use normal python to avoid numpy overhead if len(sequence) < 60: nucl_indices = [nucleotide_to_index[n] for n in sequence] return [ i for i in range(len(sequence) - len_pattern) if np.choose(nucl_indices[i : len_pattern + i], pssm_matrix).sum() >= threshold ] # If sequence is large, use Numpy for speed. tested experimentally nucl_indices = np.array([nucleotide_to_index[n] for n in sequence], dtype="uint8") len_pattern = len(pssm_matrix[0]) scores = np.array( [ np.choose(nucl_indices[k : len_pattern + k], pssm_matrix).sum() for k in range(len(sequence) - len_pattern) ] ) return np.nonzero(scores >= threshold)[0]