Source code for dnachisel.SequencePattern.SequencePattern

"""Implements the SequencePattern, DnaNotationPattern classes.

These classes are responsible for looking for a pattern in a sequence
(including overlapping patterns !), separating patterns with fixed size
and patterns with maximal size (from problem localization purposes).

The module also implements functions to specify common DNA patterns:
homopolymers, repeats, enzymatic restriction sites.


import re
from ..biotools import reverse_complement
from ..Location import Location

[docs]class SequencePattern: """Pattern/ that will be looked for in a DNA sequence. Use this class for matching regular expression patterns, and DnaNotationPattern for matching explicit sequences or sequences using Ns etc. Examples -------- >>> expression = "A[ATGC]{3,}" >>> pattern = SequencePattern(expression) >>> constraint = AvoidPattern(pattern) Parameters ---------- expression Any string or regular expression for matching ATGC nucleotides. Note that multi-nucleotides symbols such as "N" (for A-T-G-C), or "K" are not supported by this class, see DnaNotationPattern instead. size Size of the pattern, in number of characters (if none provided, the size of the ``pattern`` string is used). The ``size`` is used to determine the size of windows when performing local optimization and constraint solving. It can be important to provide the size when the ``pattern`` string provided represents a complex regular expression whose maximal matching size cannot be easily evaluated. name Name of the pattern (will be displayed e.g. when the pattern is printed) """ registered_string_pattern_classes = [] def __init__( self, expression, size=None, name=None, lookahead="loop", is_palyndromic=False, ): # if size is None: # self.shrink_when_localized = False # # size = len(expression) self.expression = expression self.lookahead = lookahead if lookahead == "re": expression = "(?=(%s))" % expression if "(" not in expression: expression = "(%s)" % expression self.lookahead_expression = expression self.compiled_expression = re.compile(self.lookahead_expression) self.size = size = name self.is_palyndromic = is_palyndromic
[docs] def find_matches(self, sequence, location=None, forced_strand=None): """Return the locations where the sequence matches the expression. Parameters ---------- sequence A string of "ATGC..." location Location indicating a segment to which to restrict the search. Only patterns entirely included in the segment will be returned Returns ------- matches A list of the locations of matches, of the form ``[(start1, end1), (start2, end2),...]``. """ # THE FUNCTION HAS BEEN CALLED WITH A LOCATION AND A FORCED STRAND if forced_strand is not None: subsequence = sequence[location.start: location.end] if forced_strand == 1: return [ (loc + location.start) for loc in self.find_matches(subsequence) ] if forced_strand == -1: subsequence = reverse_complement(subsequence) return [ Location( location.end - loc.end, location.end - loc.start, strand=-1, ) for loc in self.find_matches(subsequence) ] # THE FUNCTION HAS BEEN CALLED WITH A LOCATION ONLY if location is not None: strand = location.strand if strand == 1: return self.find_matches(sequence, location, 1) if strand == -1: if self.is_palyndromic: return self.find_matches(sequence, location, 1) else: return self.find_matches(sequence, location, -1) if strand == 0: matches = self.find_matches(sequence, location, 1) if not self.is_palyndromic: matches += self.find_matches(sequence, location, -1) return matches # THE FUNCTION HAS BEEN CALLED WITH NO LOCATION/STRAND: WHOLE SEQUENCE matches = self.find_matches_in_string(sequence) return [Location(start, end, strand) for start, end, strand in matches]
def find_matches_in_string(self, sequence): if self.lookahead == "loop": matches = [] position = 0 while True: result =, sequence) if result is None: return matches start, end = result.start(), result.end() matches.append((start + position, end + position, 1)) sequence = sequence[start + 1 :] position += start + 1 else: return [ (match.start(), match.start() + len(match.groups()[0]), 1) for match in re.finditer(self.compiled_expression, sequence) ] def __str__(self): return self.expression + ( "" if is None else " (%s)" % ) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): for myclass in cls.registered_string_pattern_classes: pattern = myclass.from_string(string) if pattern is not None: return pattern return SequencePattern(string)