Source code for dnachisel.biotools.blast_sequence

from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
import time

[docs]def blast_sequence( sequence, blast_db=None, subject_sequences=None, subject=None, word_size=4, perc_identity=80, num_alignments=1000, ungapped=False, num_threads=3, culling_limit=None, e_value=None, task=None, dust="no", ): """Return a Biopython BLAST record of the given sequence BLASTed against the provided database. Parameters ---------- sequence An ATGC sequence Examples -------- >>> blast_record = blast_sequence("ATTGTGCGTGTGTGCGT", "blastdb/ecoli") >>> for alignment in blast_record.alignments: >>> for hit in alignment.hsps: >>> print (hit.identities) """ xml_file, xml_name = tempfile.mkstemp(".xml") fasta_file, fasta_name = tempfile.mkstemp(".fa") with open(fasta_name, "w+") as f: f.write(">seq\n" + sequence) close_subject = False remove_subject = False if subject is not None: close_subject = True if subject_sequences is not None: close_subject = True remove_subject = True subject_file, subject = tempfile.mkstemp(".fa") if isinstance(subject_sequences[0], str): subject_sequences = [ ("%06d" % i, seq) for i, seq in enumerate(subject_sequences) ] fasta_content = "\n".join( [">%s\n%s" % name_sequence for name_sequence in subject_sequences] ) with open(subject, "w+") as f: f.write(fasta_content) def parameter_if_not_none(label, param): return [label, str(param)] if param else [] command = [ "blastn", "-out", xml_name, "-outfmt", "5", "-max_target_seqs", str(num_alignments), "-query", fasta_name, "-word_size", str(word_size), "-num_threads", str(num_threads), "-perc_identity", str(perc_identity), ] command += ( (["-db", blast_db] if subject is None else ["-subject", subject]) + parameter_if_not_none("-dust", dust) + parameter_if_not_none("-evalue", e_value) + parameter_if_not_none("-culling_limit", culling_limit) + parameter_if_not_none("-task", task) ) if ungapped: command += ["-ungapped"] process =, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) if process.returncode: raise OSError("BLAST failed: %s" % process.stderr) with open(xml_name, "r") as f: result = list(NCBIXML.parse(f)) os.fdopen(xml_file, "w").close() os.fdopen(fasta_file, "w").close() os.remove(xml_name) os.remove(fasta_name) if close_subject: open(subject, "w").close() if remove_subject: os.remove(subject) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result