Source code for dnachisel.biotools.enzymes_operations

"""Methods for enzymes operations."""

from .sequences_operations import all_iupac_variants
from Bio import Restriction

[docs]def list_common_enzymes( site_length=(6,), opt_temp=(37,), min_suppliers=1, site_unlike=() ): """Return a list of enzyme names with the given constraints. Parameters ---------- site_length List of accepted site lengths (6, 4, ...) opt_temp List of accepted optimal temperatures for the enzyme min_suppliers Minimal number registered suppliers in the Biopython data. A minimum of 3 known suppliers returns the most common enzymes. site_unlike List of (ambiguous or unambiguous) DNA sequences that should NOT be recognized by the selected enzymes. """ site_unlike = set( [ variant for enzyme in site_unlike for variant in all_iupac_variants( Restriction.__dict__[enzyme].site ) ] ) def is_valid(enzyme_name): enzyme = Restriction.__dict__[enzyme_name] return ( len( in site_length and enzyme.opt_temp in opt_temp and len(enzyme.supplier_list()) >= min_suppliers and len( set(all_iupac_variants( ) == 0 ) return [ enzyme_name for enzyme_name in Restriction.AllEnzymes.elements() if is_valid(enzyme_name) ]