Source code for dnachisel.biotools.gc_content
import numpy as np
[docs]def gc_content(sequence, window_size=None):
"""Compute global or local GC content.
An ATGC DNA sequence (upper case!)
If provided, the local GC content for the different sliding windows of
this size is returned, else the global GC content is returned.
A number between 0 and 1 indication the proportion
of GC content. If window_size is provided, returns
a list of len(sequence)-window_size values indicating
the local GC contents (sliding-window method). The i-th value
indicates the GC content in the window [i, i+window_size]
# The code is a little cryptic as it uses numpy array operations
# but the speed gain is 300x compared with pure-python string operations
arr = np.frombuffer((sequence + "").encode(), dtype="uint8")
arr_GCs = (arr == 71) | (arr == 67) # 67=C, 71=G
if window_size is None:
return 1.0 * arr_GCs.sum() / len(sequence)
cs = np.cumsum(arr_GCs)
a = cs[window_size - 1 :]
b = np.hstack([[0], cs[:-window_size]])
return 1.0 * (a - b) / window_size