Source code for dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidStopCodons

from ..biotools import translate
from ..Location import Location
from ..Specification import SpecEvaluation
from .CodonSpecification import CodonSpecification

from Bio.Data import CodonTable

[docs]class AvoidStopCodons(CodonSpecification): """Do not introduce any new stop codon in that frame. This can be used for research purposes, to avoid breaking a reading frame when editing it with quasi-synonymous mutations. """ def __init__(self, genetic_table="Standard", location=None, boost=1.0): self.genetic_table = genetic_table self.boost = boost self.location = Location.from_data(location) def initialized_on_problem(self, problem, role): """Get translation from the sequence if it is not already set.""" return self._copy_with_full_span_if_no_location(problem) def localized_on_window(self, new_location, start_codon, end_codon): return self.copy_with_changes(location=new_location) def evaluate(self, problem): location = ( self.location if self.location is not None else Location(0, len(problem.sequence)) ) subsequence = location.extract_sequence(problem.sequence) translation = translate(subsequence, table=self.genetic_table) errors_locations = [ self.codon_index_to_location(index) for index in range(len(translation)) if translation[index] == "*" ] return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score=-len(errors_locations), locations=errors_locations, message="All OK." if len(errors_locations) == 0 else "Stop codons found at indices %s" % errors_locations, ) def __str__(self): """Represent.""" return "AvoidStopCodons(%s)" % self.location def __str__(self): """Represent.""" return "AvoidStopCodons(%s)" % self.location