Source code for dnachisel.builtin_specifications.UniquifyAllKmers

"""Implement UniquifyAllKmers(Specification)"""

from collections import defaultdict

from ..Specification import Specification

# from .VoidSpecification import VoidSpecification
from ..Specification.SpecEvaluation import SpecEvaluation
from ..biotools import reverse_complement
from ..Location import Location

from functools import lru_cache

def get_kmer_extractor(sequence, include_reverse_complement=True, k=1):
    """Return a function (i => standardized_kmer_string)."""
    if include_reverse_complement:
        rev_comp_sequence = reverse_complement(sequence)
        L = len(sequence)

        def extract_kmer(i):
            subsequence = sequence[i : i + k]
            rev_comp = rev_comp_sequence[L - i - k : L - i]
            return min(subsequence, rev_comp)


        def extract_kmer(i):
            return sequence[i : i + k]

    return extract_kmer

def get_kmer_extractor_cached(sequence, include_reverse_complement=True, k=1):
    """Kmer extractor with memoization.
    This globally cached method enables much faster computations when
    several UniquifyAllKmers functions with equal k are used. 
    L = len(sequence)
    if include_reverse_complement:
        rev_comp_sequence = reverse_complement(sequence)

        def extract_kmer(i):
            subsequence = sequence[i : i + k]
            rev_comp = rev_comp_sequence[L - i - k : L - i]
            return min(subsequence, rev_comp)


        def extract_kmer(i):
            return sequence[i : i + k]

    return extract_kmer

[docs]class UniquifyAllKmers(Specification): """Avoid sub-sequence of length k with homologies elsewhere. NOTE: For sequences with subsequences appearing more than 2 times, the specification may not work as a problem constraint, but will work as a problem optimization objective. You can define a location L and an reference L* (by default they are both the full sequence) >>> [=== L ===] >>> >>> [=========== L* ==========] >>> >>> --------- Sequence -------------------------- This Specification class specifies that "No sub-sequence in L of length above k has more than 1 occurence in L*". Some specific cases - L = L* = Sequence. In this case the full sequence will have only unique kmers above a certain size (no self-homology). - L < L*, L* = Sequence. The segment L will have no self-homology and no homology to the rest of the sequence above a certain size. But there can be self-homologies elsewhere in the sequence. - L = L*. segment L will have no self-homology. Parameters ---------- k Minimal length of sequences to be considered repeats reference The default None indicates that the specification's location should have no homologies anywhere in the whole sequence. If reference="here", then the specification's location should have no homology inside that same location. Reference can also be any location of the sequence that the specification's location should have no homologies with. location Segment of the sequence in which to look for repeats. If None, repeats are searched in the full sequence. include_reverse_complement If True, the sequence repeats are also searched for in the reverse complement of the sequence (or sub sequence if `location` is not None). Examples -------- >>> from dnachisel import * >>> sequence = random_dna_sequence(50000) >>> constraint= UniquifyAllKmers(10, include_reverse_complement=True) >>> problem = DnaOptimizationProblem(sequence, constraints= [constraint]) >>> print (problem.constraints_summary()) """ best_possible_score = 0 use_cache = True shorthand_name = 'all_unique_kmers' def __init__( self, k, reference=None, location=None, include_reverse_complement=True, boost=1.0, localization_data=None, ): """Initialize.""" self.k = k self.location = Location.from_data(location) if reference in ["here", "same"]: reference = location if isinstance(reference, tuple): reference = Location.from_tuple(reference) self.reference = reference self.include_reverse_complement = include_reverse_complement self.boost = 1.0 self.localization_data = localization_data def initialized_on_problem(self, problem, role="constraint"): """Location is the full sequence by default.""" def location_or_default(location): default = Location(0, len(problem.sequence), 1) return default if location is None else location location = location_or_default(self.location) reference = location_or_default(self.reference) return self.copy_with_changes(location=location, reference=reference) def evaluate(self, problem): """Return 0 if the sequence has no repeats, else -number_of_repeats.""" if self.localization_data is not None: return self.local_evaluation(problem) else: return self.global_evaluation(problem) def local_evaluation(self, problem): extract_kmer = self.get_kmer_extractor(problem.sequence) variable_kmers = {} for label in ("location", "extended"): variable_kmers[label] = d = {} for i in self.localization_data[label]["changing_indices"]: kmer = extract_kmer(i) if kmer not in d: d[kmer] = [i] else: d[kmer].append(i) nonunique_locations = [] for kmer, indices in variable_kmers["location"].items(): if len(indices) > 1: nonunique_locations += indices location_variable_kmers = set(variable_kmers["location"].keys()) extended_variable_kmers = set(variable_kmers["extended"].keys()) fixed_location_kmers = self.localization_data["location"][ "fixed_kmers" ] extended_fixed_kmers = self.localization_data["extended"][ "fixed_kmers" ] for c in [ extended_variable_kmers, fixed_location_kmers, extended_fixed_kmers, ]: nonunique_locations += [ i for kmer in location_variable_kmers.intersection(c) for i in variable_kmers["location"][kmer] ] for c in [location_variable_kmers, fixed_location_kmers]: nonunique_locations += [ i for kmer in extended_variable_kmers.intersection(c) for i in variable_kmers["extended"][kmer] ] nonunique_locations = [ Location(i, i + self.k) for i in nonunique_locations ] return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score=-len(nonunique_locations), locations=nonunique_locations, message="Failed, the following positions are the first occurences" "of local non-unique segments %s" % nonunique_locations, ) def get_kmer_extractor(self, sequence): if self.use_cache: getter = get_kmer_extractor_cached else: getter = get_kmer_extractor return getter( sequence, k=self.k, include_reverse_complement=self.include_reverse_complement, ) def global_evaluation(self, problem): extract_kmer = self.get_kmer_extractor(problem.sequence) kmers_locations = defaultdict(lambda: []) start, end = self.reference.start, self.reference.end for i in range(start, end - self.k): location = (i, i + self.k) kmer_sequence = extract_kmer(i) kmers_locations[kmer_sequence].append(location) locations = sorted( [ Location(start_, end_) for locations_list in kmers_locations.values() for start_, end_ in locations_list if len(locations_list) > 1 and (self.location.start <= start_ < end_ < self.location.end) ], key=lambda l: l.start, ) if locations == []: return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score=0, locations=[], message="Passed: no nonunique %d-mer found." % self.k, ) return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score=-len(locations), locations=locations, message="Failed, the following positions are the first occurences " "of non-unique segments %s" % locations, ) def localized(self, location, problem=None, with_righthand=True): """Localize the evaluation.""" if location.overlap_region(self.reference) is None: return None if problem is None: return self extract_kmer = self.get_kmer_extractor(problem.sequence) k = self.k reference = location.extended(k - 1, right=with_righthand) changing_kmers_zone = reference.overlap_region(self.reference) changing_kmer_indices = set(changing_kmers_zone.indices[: -k + 1]) localization_data = {} for loc, label in [ (self.location, "location"), (self.reference, "extended"), ]: kmer_indices = set(loc.indices[: -self.k]) fixed_kmer_indices = kmer_indices.difference(changing_kmer_indices) fixed_kmers = set([extract_kmer(i) for i in fixed_kmer_indices]) changing_inds = kmer_indices.intersection(changing_kmer_indices) localization_data[label] = { "fixed_kmers": fixed_kmers, "changing_indices": changing_inds, } localization_data["extended"]["changing_indices"].difference_update( localization_data["location"]["changing_indices"] ) return self.copy_with_changes( localization_data=localization_data, location=changing_kmers_zone ) def shifted(self, shift): """Shift the location of the specification. This will also shift the reference. """ new_location = None if self.location is None else self.location + shift reference = None if self.reference is None else self.reference + shift return self.copy_with_changes( location=new_location, reference=reference, derived_from=self, ) def label_parameters(self): return [("k", str(self.k))] def short_label(self): return "All %dbp unique" % self.k def breach_label(self): return "%dbp homologies" % self.k