Source code for goldenhinges.OverhangsSelector

import itertools as itt
import Numberjack as nj
import numpy as np
from .clique_methods import find_compatible_overhangs
from .biotools import (memo_reverse_complement, sequences_differences,
                       gc_content, list_overhangs)
from tqdm import tqdm
from proglog import default_bar_logger
    import dnachisel as dc

[docs]class OverhangsSelector: """A selector of comppatible overhangs for Golden-Gate assembly and others. Parameters ---------- gc_min Minimal amount of GC allowed in the overhangs, e.g. 0.25 for 25% of GC in the overhang gc_max Maximal amount of GC allowed in the overhangs, e.g. 0.75 for 75% of GC or less in the overhang. differences Number of nucleotides by which all the selected overhangs and their reverse complement should differ. overhangs_size Number of nucleotides for the overhangs, e.g. 4 for golden gate assembly. forbidden_overhang List of all forbidden overhangs. possible_overhangs List of a few overhangs the collection should be chosen from. time_limit Time in seconds after which the solvers should stop if no solution was found yet. external_overhangs List of overhangs that all selected overhangs should be compatible with. """ def __init__(self, gc_min=0, gc_max=1, differences=1, overhangs_size=4, forbidden_overhangs=(), forbidden_pairs=(), possible_overhangs=None, time_limit=None, external_overhangs=(), progress_logger='bar'): """Initialize the object (see class description).""" self.overhangs_size = overhangs_size self.gc_min = gc_min self.gc_max = gc_max self.differences = differences self._compatible_overhang_pairs_memo = None self.time_limit = time_limit self.forbidden_pairs = set([tuple(p) for p in forbidden_pairs]) self.progress_logger = default_bar_logger(progress_logger, min_time_interval=0.2) self.external_overhangs = external_overhangs self.all_overhangs = list_overhangs(self.overhangs_size) forbidden_overhangs = list(set( list(forbidden_overhangs) + [memo_reverse_complement(o) for o in forbidden_overhangs])) if possible_overhangs is not None: forbidden_overhangs += [o for o in self.all_overhangs if o not in possible_overhangs] for o1 in self.all_overhangs: reverse = memo_reverse_complement(o1) if any([(sequences_differences(o1, o2) < self.differences) or (sequences_differences(reverse, o2) < self.differences) or (o1, o2) in self.forbidden_pairs or (o2, o1) in self.forbidden_pairs for o2 in external_overhangs]): forbidden_overhangs.append(o1) forbidden_overhangs.append(reverse) self.forbidden_overhangs = set(forbidden_overhangs) self._precompute_standard_overhangs() self._standard_overhangs_memo = {} def _precompute_standard_overhangs(self): """Precompute standard forms of the allowed overhangs for the selector. The allowed overhangs are the ones with the right GC content. The standard form of an overhang is the overhang or its complement, whichever is lexically smaller. """ self.standard_overhangs = set() self.standard_overhangs_list = [] self.overhang_to_number = { overhang: index for index, overhang in enumerate(self.all_overhangs) } for o in self.all_overhangs: reverse = memo_reverse_complement(o) if (reverse not in self.standard_overhangs) and \ (self.gc_min <= gc_content(o) <= self.gc_max) and \ sequences_differences(o, reverse) >= self.differences and \ (o not in self.forbidden_overhangs): self.standard_overhangs.add(o) self.standard_overhangs_list.append(o) def _standardize_overhang(self, overhang): """Return the standard form of the overhang. The result is either: the overhang itself if it is already in self.standard_overhangs. The reverse complement of the overhang if the reverse is in self.standard_overhangs. If neither the overhang nor the reverse are standard (i.e. if the overhang is forbidden by its GC content) these None is returned. """ if overhang in self.standard_overhangs: return overhang else: reverse = memo_reverse_complement(overhang) if reverse in self.standard_overhangs: return reverse else: return None def _compatible_overhangs_pairs(self, two_sided=False): """Return the list of all compatible standard overhangs pairs, i.e. overhangs whith at least self.differences differences between them. This least is only computed once then kept in memor for subsequent calls. If two_sided is True, the least contains each pair twice, in both directions, i.e. (o1, o2) and (o2, o1). This is used when the order of the overhangs in the results matters. """ if self._compatible_overhang_pairs_memo is None: self._compatible_overhang_pairs_memo = [ (self.overhang_to_number[o1], self.overhang_to_number[o2]) for (o1, o2) in itt.combinations(self.standard_overhangs, 2) if (o1, o2) not in self.forbidden_pairs and (sequences_differences(o1, o2) >= self.differences) and (sequences_differences(o1, memo_reverse_complement(o2)) >= self.differences) ] result = self._compatible_overhang_pairs_memo if two_sided: result = result + [(o2, o1) for o1, o2 in result] return result def _overhangs_are_compatible(self, o1, o2): return tuple(sorted([o1, o2])) in self._compatible_overhangs_pairs()
[docs] def select_from_sets(self, sets_list, solutions=1, optimize_score=True): """Find compatible overhangs, picking one from each provided set. This is the central solver for methods cut_sequence, cut_sequence_into_similar_lengths, Parameters ---------- sets_list A list of either sets or lists of overhangs. solutions Either 1 for a unique solution, a number k for a list of solutions, or "iter" which returns an iterator over all solutions. optimize_score If True, the total score of all overhangs choices will be maximized """ # Todo: # Inspect each set, for sets with only one solution, remove the set, # eliminate all incompatible overhangs in other sets if len(sets_list) == 1: return [list(sets_list[0])[0]] variables = [nj.Variable([self.overhang_to_number[o] for o in _set]) for _set in sets_list] if ((self.differences == 1) and (self.forbidden_pairs == ()) and (len(variables) > 1)): constraints = [nj.AllDiff(variables)] else: # if all sets are equal then the variables are interchangeable, # otherwise the order matters. This is reflected in the symmetry # of the allowed pairs of overhangs. two_sided = any( set1 != set2 for set1, set2 in zip(sets_list, sets_list[1:]) ) possible_pairs = self._compatible_overhangs_pairs(two_sided) constraints = [ nj.Table((v1, v2), possible_pairs) for v1, v2 in itt.combinations(variables, 2) ] model = nj.Model(*constraints) if optimize_score: scores_variables = [] for _set, variable in zip(sets_list, variables): max_score = max([o['score'] for o in _set.values()]) score_variable = nj.Variable(0, max_score + 1) scores_variables.append(score_variable) model.add(nj.Table((variable, score_variable), [ (self.overhang_to_number[o], int(_set[o]['score'])) for o in _set ])) total_score = sum(scores_variables) model.add(nj.Minimize(total_score)) solver = model.load("Mistral", variables) if self.time_limit is not None: solver.setTimeLimit(self.time_limit) solver.solve() def get_solution(): # Generic solution getter, makes the case split below easier if any([v.get_value() is None for v in variables]): return None else: return [self.all_overhangs[v.get_value()] for v in variables] if solutions == 1: returned = get_solution() solver.delete() return returned else: def solutions_iterator(): while True: solution = get_solution() yield solution if solution is None: break solver.getNextSolution() iterator = solutions_iterator() if isinstance(solutions, int): returned = [next(iterator) for i in range(solutions)] solver.delete() return returned else: return iterator
def _list_overhangs_in_sequence(self, zone, sequence=None, constraints_problem=None): """Return the list all subsequences of size ``self.overhangs_size``. If constraints_problem is not None, then the nucleotides of the sequence are considered mutable (as long as the mutations do not break the sequence). Parameters ---------- zone A tuple (start, end) indicating the sequence zone sequence The sequence. Can be omitted if a constraints_problem is provided, at which case the sequence will be taken from that problem. constraints_problem A DnaChisel sequence optimization problem featuring constraints. """ # local_oh_size = min(local_oh_size, zone[1] - zone[0]) r_start, r_end = zone oh_size = self.overhangs_size if constraints_problem is not None: sequence = constraints_problem.sequence subsequence = sequence[r_start: r_end] for i in range(r_start, max(r_start + 1, r_end - oh_size)): mutation_space = constraints_problem.mutation_space.localized( (i, i + oh_size)) if len(mutation_space.multichoices) == 0: yield dict( sequence=sequence[i:i + self.overhangs_size], location=i ) else: location = dc.Location(*mutation_space.choices_span) localized_constraints = [ _constraint.localized(location) for _constraint in constraints_problem.constraints if not _constraint.enforced_by_nucleotide_restrictions ] local_problem = dc.DnaOptimizationProblem( sequence=sequence, constraints=localized_constraints, mutation_space=mutation_space ) for variant in mutation_space.all_variants(sequence): local_problem.sequence = variant if not local_problem.all_constraints_pass(): continue end = max(location.start + oh_size, location.end) mutated_span = variant[location.start:end] variant_region = variant[r_start: r_end] n_mutations = sequences_differences(subsequence, variant_region) j_end = len(variant_region) - oh_size for j in range(0, max(1, j_end)): seq = variant_region[j: j + oh_size] # print (location.start + j) yield dict( sequence=seq, location=int(r_start + j), n_mutations=n_mutations, mutated_region=(location.start, mutated_span) ) else: for i in range(r_start, max(r_start + 1, r_end - oh_size)): yield dict( sequence=sequence[i:i + self.overhangs_size], location=i )
[docs] def cut_sequence(self, sequence, intervals=None, solutions=1, allow_edits=False, include_extremities=True, optimize_score=True, edit_penalty=10, equal_segments=None, max_radius=10, target_indices=None): """Select compatible-overhangs cut locations, one in each interval. Parameters ---------- sequence An ATGC string or a Biopython record intervals List of the form [(start1, end1), ...] indicating intervals in which to cut the sequence. Note that ``equal_segments`` or ``target_indices`` can be provided instead. solutions If equal to 1, one solution is returned (i.e. a list of cuts). If larger than 1, a list of solutions is returned. If equal to "iter", an iterator over solutions is returned allow_edits Keep to false to forbid any sequence change. include_extremities Whether the sequence's extremities should be considered as overhangs and be compatible with overhangs generated by the cuts. optimize_score If False, the algorithm will return any solution that fills all constraints. If True, the algorithm will go through all possible solution and find the best one, i.e. the one whose overhangs total score is maximal, which gnerally means overhangs as near as possible from the center of the cut interval, and 'native' in the sequence, i.e. did not need a sequence edit. equal_segments Number indicating that the sequence should be cut in N segments with lengths as similar as possible. target_indices If provided, the sequence will be cut in regions around these target indices. max_radius Maximal radius around the target indices for the search of a solution Returns ------- solution A list of dictionnaries, each representing one overhang with properties ``o['location']`` (coordinate of the overhang in the sequence) and ``o['sequence']`` (sequence of the overhang) """ # FIRST SUBSCENARIO: CUT THE SEQUENCE INTO EQUAL LENGTHS logger = self.progress_logger if equal_segments is not None: target_indices = np.linspace(0, len(sequence), equal_segments + 1) target_indices = target_indices.astype(int)[1:-1] # SECOND SUBSCENARIO: CUT THE SEQUENCE NEAREST FROM TARGET INDICES if target_indices is not None: if isinstance(max_radius, int): max_radius = [max_radius for i in target_indices] largest_max_radius = max(max_radius) radius = 0 logger(max_radius=max_radius) while radius < largest_max_radius: radius += 1 logger(radius=radius) intervals = [ (max(0, i - min(local_max_radius, radius)), i + max(1, min(local_max_radius, radius))) for i, local_max_radius in zip(target_indices, max_radius) ] solution = self.cut_sequence( sequence, intervals, optimize_score=optimize_score, include_extremities=include_extremities, allow_edits=allow_edits, edit_penalty=edit_penalty) if solution is not None: return solution return None # MAIN SUBSCENARIO: CUT THE SEQUENCE IN PREDEFINED INTERVALS # either these intervals are provided or they are extracted from the # sequence-record if intervals is None: if not hasattr(sequence, 'features'): raise ValueError("Provide either intervals or a record with " "intervals marked as !cut") intervals = [ (int(f.location.start), int(f.location.end)) for f in sequence.features if ''.join(f.qualifiers.get('label', '')) == "!cut" ] if include_extremities: intervals = [(0, self.overhangs_size)] + intervals + [ (len(sequence) - self.overhangs_size, len(sequence)) ] cst_problem = None if hasattr(sequence, 'features'): if allow_edits: if not DNACHISEL_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( "It looks like you are trying to use a GoldenHinges" " feature which requires DnaChisel installed") cst_problem = dc.DnaOptimizationProblem.from_record(sequence) if len(cst_problem.constraints) == 0: cst_problem = None sequence = str(sequence.seq) sets_list = [] intervals = list(enumerate(intervals)) for i, (start, end) in logger.iter_bar(interval=intervals): overhangs_dict = {} middle_location = int(0.5 * (end + start)) all_possible_overhangs = self._list_overhangs_in_sequence( sequence=sequence, zone=(start, end), constraints_problem=cst_problem) for o in all_possible_overhangs: std_o = self._standardize_overhang(o['sequence']) if std_o is None: continue o['score'] = abs(o['location'] - middle_location) if 'n_mutations' in o: o['score'] += edit_penalty * o['n_mutations'] is_new = (std_o not in overhangs_dict) if is_new or (o['score'] < overhangs_dict[std_o]['score']): overhangs_dict[std_o] = o sets_list.append(overhangs_dict) if any([len(s) == 0 for s in sets_list]): return None choices = self.select_from_sets(sets_list, solutions=solutions, optimize_score=optimize_score) def get_solution(choices): if choices is None: return None return [ _set[overhang] for _set, overhang in zip(sets_list, choices) ] if solutions == 1: return get_solution(choices) elif isinstance(solutions, int): return [get_solution(c) for c in choices] else: return (get_solution(c) for c in choices)
[docs] def generate_overhangs_set(self, n_overhangs=None, mandatory_overhangs=(), start_at=2, step=2, n_cliques=None): """Generate a set of compatible overhangs, eg ``{"ATTC", "ATCG", ...}`` Parameters ---------- n_overhangs Size of the desired overhang set. If left to None, the algorithm will return the largest set it can find. mandatory_overhangs Overhangs which must be in the final set. step Increment to use for the set size when looking for the larget possible set (case ``n_overhangs=None``). Note that this should not change the final result, but a well-chosen step can improve the computations speed several fold start_at Number of overhangs to start from (before increasing) when auto-selecting the number of overhangs. n_cliques If provided, the algorithm will look for for maximal sets of compatible overhangs using a graph-clique-based method """ if n_cliques is not None: return find_compatible_overhangs( overhangs_size=self.overhangs_size, mandatory_overhangs=mandatory_overhangs, forbidden_overhangs=self.forbidden_overhangs, min_gc_content=self.gc_min, max_gc_content=self.gc_max, min_overhangs_differences=self.differences, min_reverse_overhangs_differences=self.differences, n_solutions_considered=500, score='subset_size', progress_bar=False ) if n_overhangs is None: n_overhangs = max([start_at, 2, len(mandatory_overhangs) + 1]) result = None while True: self.progress_logger(n_overhangs=n_overhangs) solution = self.generate_overhangs_set(n_overhangs, mandatory_overhangs) if solution is None: # the step increment went too far, there was no solution, # conduct a finer search from the last increment. for n in range(n_overhangs - step + 1, n_overhangs): self.progress_logger(n_overhangs=n) solution = self.generate_overhangs_set( n, mandatory_overhangs) if solution is None: break result = solution break result = solution n_overhangs += step return result # Case where a number of overhangs was specified. L = len(mandatory_overhangs) if L > 0: standard_mandatory_overhangs = [ self._standardize_overhang(o) if (self._standardize_overhang(o) is not None) else o for o in mandatory_overhangs ] new_standard_overhangs = \ self.standard_overhangs.\ difference(set(standard_mandatory_overhangs)) sets_list = ([[o] for o in standard_mandatory_overhangs] + [new_standard_overhangs for i in range(n_overhangs - L)]) solution = self.select_from_sets(sets_list, optimize_score=False) if solution is not None: solution = list(mandatory_overhangs) + solution[L:] return solution else: sets_list = [self.standard_overhangs for i in range(n_overhangs)] return self.select_from_sets(sets_list, optimize_score=False)