Source code for plateo.PickList

"""Classes to represent picklists and liquid transfers in general"""
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import json

import pandas

#import parsers
#import exporters
from .tools import compute_rows_columns, wellname_to_index, index_to_wellname

[docs]class Transfer: """A tranfer from a source to a destination Parameters ---------- source_well A Well object representing the plate well from which to transfer destination_well A Well object representing the plate well to which to transfer. volume Volume to be transfered, expressed in liters. data A dict containing any useful information on the transfer, this information can be used later e.g. as parameters for the transfer when exporting a picklist. """ def __init__(self, source_well, destination_well, volume, data=None): self.volume = volume self.source_well = source_well self.destination_well = destination_well = data
[docs] def to_plain_string(self): """Return "xx L from {source_well} into {dest_well}".""" return ("{self.volume:.02E}L from {} " "{} into " "{} " "{}").format( self=self )
[docs] def change_volume(self, new_volume): """Return a version of the transfer with a new volume.""" return Transfer(source_well=self.source_well, destination_well=self.destination_well, volume=new_volume,
def __repr__(self): """Return "xx L from {source_well} into {dest_well}".""" return self.to_plain_string()
[docs]class PickList: """Representation of a list of well-to-well transfers. Parameters ----------- transfers_list A list of Transfer objects that will be part of a same dispensing operation, in the order in which they are meant to be executed. data A dict with some infos on the picklist. """ def __init__(self, transfers_list=(), data=None): self.transfers_list = list(transfers_list) = {} if data is None else data
[docs] def add_transfer(self, source_well=None, destination_well=None, volume=None, data=None, transfer=None): """Add a transfer to the picklist's tranfers list. You can either provide a ``Transfer`` object with the ``transfer`` parameter, or the parameters """ if transfer is None: transfer = Transfer(source_well=source_well, destination_well=destination_well, volume=volume, data=data) self.transfers_list.append(transfer)
[docs] def to_plain_string(self): """Return the list of transfers in human readable format""" return "\n".join( transfer.to_plain_string() for transfer in self.transfers_list )
[docs] def to_plain_textfile(self, filename): """Write the picklist in a file in a human reable format.""" with open(filename, "w+") as f: f.write(self.to_plain_string())
[docs] def execute(self, content_field="content", inplace=True, callback_function=None): """Simulate the execution of the picklist""" if not inplace: all_plates = set( plate for transfer in self.transfers_list for plate in [transfer.source_well.plate, transfer.destination_well.plate] ) new_plates = { plate: deepcopy(plate) for plate in all_plates } new_transfer_list = [] for transfer in self.transfers_list: new_source_plate = new_plates[transfer.source_well.plate] new_dest_plate = new_plates[transfer.destination_well.plate] new_source_well = new_source_plate.wells[] new_dest_well = new_dest_plate.wells[] new_transfer_list.append(Transfer( volume=transfer.volume, source_well=new_source_well, destination_well=new_dest_well )) new_picklist = PickList(transfers_list=new_transfer_list) new_picklist.execute(content_field=content_field, inplace=True, callback_function=callback_function) return new_plates else: for transfer in self.transfers_list: transfer.source_well.transfer_to_other_well( destination_well=transfer.destination_well, transfer_volume=transfer.volume) if callback_function is not None: callback_function(self, transfer)
[docs] def restricted_to(self, transfer_filter=None, source_well=None, destination_well=None): """Return a version of the picklist restricted to transfers with the right source/destination well. You can provide ``source_well`` and ``destination_well`` or alternatively just a function ``transfer_filter`` with signature (transfer)=>True/False that will be used to filter out transfers (for which it returns false). """ if transfer_filter is None: def transfer_filter(tr): source_well_is_ok = ((source_well is None) or (source_well == tr.source_well)) dest_well_is_ok = ((destination_well is None) or (destination_well == tr.destination_well)) return (source_well_is_ok and dest_well_is_ok) transfers = [tr for tr in self.transfers_list if transfer_filter(tr)] return PickList(transfers, data={"parent": self})
[docs] def sorted_by(self, sorting_method="source_well"): """Return a new version of the picklist sorted by some parameter. The ``sorting_method`` is either the name of an attribute of the transfers, such as "source_well", or a function f(transfer) -> value. """ if not hasattr(sorting_method, "__call__"): def sorting_method(transfer): return transfer.__dict__[sorting_method] return PickList(sorted(self.transfers_list, key=sorting_method), data={"parent": self})
[docs] def split_by(self, category, sort_key): """Split the picklist into a list of picklists, per category. The returned list if of the form [(cat, subpicklist)] where ``cat`` is the value of the category for all transfers in ``subpicklist``. The parameter ``category`` is either the name of a transfer attribute or a function f(transfer)=> value which is used to """ if isinstance(category, str): str_category = category def category(t): return t.__dict__[str_category] categories = set([category(tr) for tr in self.transfers_list]) return [ (cat, self.restricted_to(lambda tr: category(tr) == cat)) for cat in sorted(categories, key=sort_key) ]
[docs] def total_transfered_volume(self): """Return the sum of all volumes from all transfers.""" return sum([transfer.volume for transfer in self.transfers_list])
[docs] @staticmethod def from_plates(source_plate, destination_plate, volume, source_criterion=None, destination_criterion=None, source_direction="row", destination_direction="row"): """Create a PickList object based on plates and conditions. BROKEN due to changes in picklists. TODO: Fix. """ if not hasattr(volume, "__call__"): constant_volume = volume volume = lambda source_well: constant_volume if source_criterion is None: source_criterion = lambda well: True if destination_criterion is None: destination_criterion = lambda well: True destination_wells = ( well for well in destination_plate.iter_wells( direction=destination_direction) if destination_criterion(well) ) transfers_list = [] if isinstance(source_plate, (list, tuple)): source_wells = ( p.iter_wells(direction=source_direction) for p in source_plate ) else: source_wells = source_plate.iter_wells(direction=source_direction) for source_well in source_wells: if source_criterion(source_well): destination_well = next(destination_wells) transfers_list.append( Transfer( source_well=source_well, destination_well=destination_well, volume=volume(source_well) ) ) return PickList(transfers_list)
[docs] def enforce_maximum_dispense_volume(self, max_dispense_volume): """Return a new picklist were every too-large dispense is broken down into smaller dispenses.""" transfers = [] for trf in self.transfers_list: n_additional_dispense = int(trf.volume / max_dispense_volume) rest = trf.volume - n_additional_dispense * max_dispense_volume for i in range(n_additional_dispense): transfers.append(trf.change_volume(max_dispense_volume)) if rest > 0: transfers.append(trf.change_volume(rest)) return PickList(transfers_list=transfers)
def __add__(self, other): return PickList(self.transfers_list + other.transfers_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_picklists(picklists_list): """Merge the list of picklists into a single picklist. The transfers in the final picklist are the concatenation of the tranfers in the different picklists, in the order in which they appear in the list. """ return sum(picklists_list, PickList([]))