Source code for plateo.exporters.plate_to_bokeh_plots

from copy import deepcopy

    from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
    from bokeh.models import (
        Range1d, TapTool, HoverTool, OpenURL
except ImportError:

from import (
import numpy as np

[docs]def plate_to_bokeh_plot(plate, hover_data=(), well_to_html=None, well_color_function=None): """Return an interactive bokeh plot of the plate. Hovering the wells displays some data on the wells. Parameters ---------- plate The plate to be converted hover_data list or tuple of all fields from the well's data that should be displayed when hovering a well well_to_html Html that sould be displayed when hovering a well (only works if hover_data is left empty). well_color_function A function well=> #a103ba associating a color to fill each well """ if not BOKEH_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( "Function plate_to_bokeh_plot requires Bokeh installed") wells = deepcopy(plate.wells) if well_color_function is None: def well_color_function(well): return "#fff" if well.content == {} else "#aaa" if hover_data != (): def well_to_html(well): return "\n".join( [] + [ "%s: %s" % (field, data.get(field, "")) for field in hover_data ] ) elif well_to_html is None: well_to_html = lambda well: for name, well in wells.items(): data = { field: info for field, info in data.items() if not isinstance(info, dict) } n_rows, n_columns = plate.num_rows, plate.num_columns p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=400, tools="box_zoom,reset,tap,save", x_range=Range1d(0, n_columns + 2), y_range=Range1d(0, n_rows + 2), responsive=True) placeholder_wells = x="x", y="y", radius=0.3, fill_color=None, line_width=1, line_color="gray", name="placeholder_well", source=ColumnDataSource(dicts_to_columns([ { "x": x + 2, "y": y + 1 } for y in range(n_rows) for x in range(n_columns) ])) ) dicts = [] for name, well in wells.items(): row, column = wellname_to_coordinates(name) well_infos = { "display_color": well_color_function(well), "bokeh_x": column + 1, "bokeh_y": n_rows + 1 - row, "html_content": well_to_html(well) } #well_infos.update(data) dicts.append(well_infos) actual_wells = x="bokeh_x", y="bokeh_y", radius=0.3, fill_color='display_color', line_width=1, line_color="black", name="well", source=ColumnDataSource(dicts_to_columns(dicts)) ) text = p.text( x="x", y="y", text="text", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="%dpx" % ( 0.8 * 144 / int(np.round(np.sqrt(plate.num_wells / 6)))), source=ColumnDataSource(dicts_to_columns([ { "text": number_to_rowname(i + 1), "x": 1, "y": n_rows - i } for i in range(n_rows) ] + [ { "text": str(i + 1), "x": i + 2, "y": n_rows + 1 } for i in range(n_columns) ])) ) if well_to_html is not None: tooltips = "@html_content" else: tooltips = "<u><b>@well_name</b></u><br/>" + " ".join( ["@%s" % field for field in hover_data] ) hover = HoverTool(names=["well"], tooltips=tooltips) p.add_tools(hover) if any(("url" in well) for well in wells): taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url="@url") p.toolbar.logo = None p.yaxis.visible = False p.xaxis.visible = False p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None return p