Source code for plateo.exporters.plate_to_matplotlib_plots

import textwrap

import numpy as np

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.patches as patches
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
except ImportError:
from tqdm import tqdm

from import (


def draw_plate_layout(num_wells, ax):
    """Draw the plate's border, row letters, column numbers."""
    n_rows, n_columns = compute_rows_columns(num_wells)
    ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0.5, 0.5), n_columns, n_rows, fill=False))
    for i in range(1, n_columns + 1):
        ax.text(i, 1.075 * n_rows, str(i), horizontalalignment="center")
    ax.set_ylim(0, n_rows + 2)
    for i in range(n_rows):
        ax.text(0.3, n_rows - i, number_to_rowname(i + 1),
    ax.plot([n_rows], [n_columns])
    ax.set_xlim(0, n_columns + 0.6)

def place_inset_ax_in_data_coordinates(ax, bbox):
    """Return an ax inset in the given ax at the given bbox in
    data coordinates (bottom, left, width, height)"""

    bottom, left, width, height = bbox
    pixels_data_00 = ax.transData.transform([0, 0])
    pixels_data_wh = ax.transData.transform([width, height])
    iwidth, iheight = (pixels_data_wh - pixels_data_00) / ax.figure.dpi
    return inset_axes(
        ax, iwidth, iheight,
        loc=10,  # means "center"
        bbox_to_anchor=[bottom, left, width, height],

class PlatePlotter:
    """Base class for all matplotlib-based plate plotters

    def plot_plate(self, plate, ax=None, well_filter=None,
                   progress_bar=False, figsize=(10, 5)):
        """Plot the plate using Matplotlib.


          The plate object to be plotted.

          The Matplotlib ax on which to plot. If none is provided, one will
          be created (and returned at the end)

          Function f(well)=>true/false. Wells returning false will not be

          If true, display a progress bar while plotting.

          Size of the figure, width/height in inches.


        ax, stats
          The matplotlib ax on which the figure was plotted, and the computed
          stats in format {wellname: well_stat}, (if relevant)

            raise IOError("Install Matplotlib to be able to plot")
        if ax is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, facecolor="white", figsize=figsize)
        if well_filter is None:
            well_filter = lambda well:  True

        draw_plate_layout(plate.num_wells, ax)

        stats = {}

        def progress(plate):
            if progress_bar:
                return tqdm(plate, total=plate.num_wells)
                return plate
        for well in progress(plate):
            if not well_filter(well):

            x, y = well.column, well.row
            y = plate.num_rows - y + 1

            stats[] = self.plot_well(ax, x, y, well)

        self.post_process(ax, stats)
        return ax, stats

    def post_process(self, ax, stats):

[docs]class PlateColorsPlotter(PlatePlotter): """Plot a plate's well statistic with wells colored differently. Parameters ---------- stat_function The function to be plotted, with signature (well) => value with_colorbar It true a colorbar giving a scale for color values will be plotted alongside the map """ def __init__(self, stat_function, colormap=None, plot_colorbar=False, well_radius='full', vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=1.0, edge_width=1): self.stat_function = stat_function self.colormap = colormap self.plot_colorbar = plot_colorbar self.well_radius = well_radius self.alpha = alpha self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax self.edge_width = edge_width def plot_well(self, ax, x, y, well): return ((x, y), self.stat_function(well)) def post_process(self, ax, stats): xy, stats_values = zip(*stats.values()) xx, yy = zip(*xy) if self.well_radius == 'full': values = list(stats.values()) colors = [ v[1] for v in values if (v[1] is not None) ] depth = len(colors[0]) if hasattr(colors[0], '__iter__') else 1 my, mx = max(yy), max(xx) grid = np.zeros((my, mx, depth) if depth > 1 else (my, mx)) for (x, y), stat in stats.values(): grid[y-1, x-1] = stat plot = ax.imshow(grid[::-1, :], alpha=self.alpha, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, cmap=self.colormap, extent=[0.5, max(xx)+0.5, 0.5, max(yy)+0.5]) else: plot = ax.scatter(xx, yy, s=self.well_radius, c=stats_values, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, linewidths=self.edge_width, edgecolors='k', alpha=self.alpha, cmap=self.colormap) if self.plot_colorbar: ax.figure.colorbar(plot)
[docs]class PlateTextPlotter(PlatePlotter): """Plot a plate's well statistic as text at the well's positions. Parameters ---------- text_function A function (well) => text with_colorbar It true a colorbar giving a scale for color values will be plotted alongside the map """ def __init__(self, text_function, line_length=None, fontdict=None): self.fontdict = {} if fontdict is None else fontdict self.text_function = text_function self.line_length = line_length def plot_well(self, ax, x, y, well): text = str(self.text_function(well)) if self.line_length is not None: text = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(text, self.line_length)) fontdict = self.fontdict if not isinstance(fontdict, dict): fontdict = fontdict(well) ax.text(x, y, str(text), fontdict=fontdict, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center") return ((x, y), text)
[docs]class PlateGraphsPlotter(PlatePlotter): """Plot a graph (for instance time series) for each well of the plate The result has the shape of a plate, with each well replaced by a graph. Parameters ---------- plot_function A function f(well, well_ax) which plots something on the provided ``well_ax`` depending on the ``well``. subplot_size (width, height) of subplots, between 0 and 1 (1 meaning the graphs of the different wells will have virtually no margin between them) """ def __init__(self, plot_function, subplot_size=(0.7, 0.7)): self.plot_function = plot_function self.subplot_size = subplot_size self.subplot_width = float(subplot_size[0]) self.subplot_height = float(subplot_size[1]) def plot_well(self, ax, x, y, well): bbox = (x - self.subplot_width / 2.0, y - self.subplot_height / 2.0, self.subplot_width, self.subplot_height) well_ax = place_inset_ax_in_data_coordinates(ax, bbox) self.plot_function(well, well_ax) return well_ax