Source code for plateo.parsers.picklist_from_labcyte_echo_logfile

from ..PickList import PickList, Transfer
from ..Plate import Plate
from ..containers import Plate96, Plate384, Plate1536
import pandas as pd
import sys
PYTHON3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3)

    from io import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

[docs]def picklist_from_labcyte_echo_logfile(logfile=None, logcontent=None, plates_dict=None): """Return a picklist of what was actually dispensed in the ECHO, based on the log file. Picklist.metadata["exceptions"] is a picklist of all transfers that went wrong. Parameters ---------- logfile The path to the echo logfile. logcontent Echo logfile content, can be provided instead of filename plates_dict A dictionary of the form {'Plate name': Plate()} linking the plate names found in the Echo logs to Plateo Plate objects. If None is provided, plates are infered from the Echo logs (a bit experimental). """ if plates_dict is None: plates_dict = {} if logfile is not None: with open(logfile) as f: logcontent = def read_key_value_block(block, target_dict): """Read a block of line of the form 'key, value\nkey, value\n...'""" for line in block.splitlines(): key, value = line.split(",") target_dict[key] = value def block_to_transfers_list(block): """Return a list of transfers from the block of lines.""" block = "\n".join(block.splitlines()[1:]) dataframe = pd.read_csv(StringIO(block)) transfers = [] for i, row in dataframe.iterrows(): for role in ("Source", "Destination"): plate = row["%s Plate Name" % role] if plate not in plates_dict: plate_type = row["%s Plate Type" % role] if "1536" in plate_type: plate_class = Plate1536 elif "384" in plate_type: plate_class = Plate384 else: plate_class = Plate96 plates_dict[plate] = plate_class( name=plate, data={ "plate_barcode": row["%s Plate Barcode" % role], "plate_type": plate_type, } ) for row in dataframe.to_dict(orient="records"): source_plate = plates_dict[row["Source Plate Name"]] source_well = source_plate.wells[row.pop("Source Well")] dest_plate = plates_dict[row["Destination Plate Name"]] dest_well = dest_plate.wells[row.pop("Destination Well")] volume = float(row.pop("Actual Volume")) transfers.append(Transfer( volume=(1e-9)*volume, source_well=source_well, destination_well=dest_well, data=row )) return transfers def add_plates_from_metadata(metadata, plates_dict): """Auto-find plates in the log file""" for role in ("Source", "Destination"): plate = metadata["%s Plate Name" % role] if plate not in plates_dict: plate_type = metadata["%s Plate Type" % role] if "1536" in plate_type: num_wells = 1536 elif "384" in plate_type: num_wells = 384 else: num_wells = 96 plates_dict[plate] = Plate( num_wells=num_wells, name=plate, data={ "plate_barcode": metadata["%s Plate Barcode" % role], "plate_type": plate_type, } ) blocks = [ block for block in logcontent.split("\r\n\r\n") if block != "" ] picklist_metadata = {"logfile": logfile} for block in blocks: if block.startswith("Run ID"): read_key_value_block(block, target_dict=picklist_metadata) if block.startswith("[EXCEPTIONS]"): transfers_exceptions_list = block_to_transfers_list(block) else: transfers_exceptions_list = [] if block.startswith("[DETAILS]"): transfers_list = block_to_transfers_list(block) if block.startswith("Instrument Name"): read_key_value_block(block, target_dict=picklist_metadata) all_transfers = transfers_list + transfers_exceptions_list for transfer in all_transfers: add_plates_from_metadata(, plates_dict) for transfer in all_transfers: meta = transfer.source_plate = plates_dict[meta["Source Plate Name"]] transfer.destination_plate = plates_dict[ meta["Destination Plate Name"]] obsolete_fields = [ field for field in meta if any(e in field for e in ("Plate Name", "Plate Type", "Plate Barcode")) ] for field in obsolete_fields: meta.pop(field) picklist_metadata["exceptions"] = PickList(transfers_exceptions_list) picklist_metadata["plates_dict"] = plates_dict return PickList( transfers_list=transfers_list, data=picklist_metadata )