Source code for plateo.parsers.plate_from_aati_fragment_analyzer

import zipfile
import sys
PYTHON3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3)

    from io import StringIO, BytesIO
    StringIO = BytesIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

import pandas
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
from ..containers import Plate96

[docs]def plate_from_aati_fragment_analyzer_peaktable(filename): """"Return a Plate96 object with a data field for the ``bands``. Provided a ``filename`` of an AATI fragment analyzer Peak table (these are generally named ``{DATE} Peak Table.csv``), it generates a Plate96 object where each well has a data attribute "bands" of the form ``{peak_id: {attrs}}`` where the ``peak_id`` is a number (>1) and the attrs attribute has fields such as ``Size (bp)``, ``% (Conc.)``, ``nmole/L``, ``ng/ul``, ``RFU``. """ df = pandas.read_csv(filename) wells = { name: {"bands": { peak_id: row.to_dict() for peak_id, row in d.set_index("Peak ID").iterrows() if row["% (Conc.)"] > 0 }} for name, d in df.groupby(["Well"]) } return Plate96(wells_data=wells)
def plate_from_aati_fa_gel_image(filename): """Return a Plate96 where each well stores an image of the gel migration Each well has a ``data["migration_image"]`` which is a WxH array, a greyscale version of the image. """ img = mpimg.imread(filename) black_white = img.mean(axis=2) threshold = black_white > 0.9 vertical_lines = (threshold.sum(axis=0) < 200).nonzero()[0] xmin, xmax = vertical_lines.min() + 1, vertical_lines.max() - 1 horizontal_lines = (threshold.sum(axis=1) < 200).nonzero()[0] ymin, ymax = horizontal_lines.min() + 1, horizontal_lines.max() - 1 xx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 97).round(0).astype(int) plate = Plate96("Gel Image") wells = plate.iter_wells(direction="column") bands_x = zip(xx, xx[1:]) for (x1, x2), well in zip(bands_x, wells):["migration_image"] = img[ymin:ymax, x1:x2] return plate
[docs]def plate_from_aati_fragment_analyzer_zip(filename): """"Return a Plate96 object with data for bands and migration image. Provided a zip output of an AATI fragment analyzer, it will find the relevant files and extract band sizes and gel images, and store these in each well's data. In the final plate, each well has a data attribute "bands" of the form ``{peak_id: {attrs}}`` where the ``peak_id`` is a number (>1) and the attrs attribute has fields such as ``Size (bp)``, ``% (Conc.)``, ``nmole/L``, ``ng/ul``, ``RFU``. Each well also has a ``data["migration_image"]`` which is a WxH array, a greyscale version of the image. """ ladder = None images_plate = None plate = None with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as f: for name in f.namelist(): if name.endswith('Peak Table.csv'): content = StringIO( plate = plate_from_aati_fragment_analyzer_peaktable(content) if name.endswith('Size Calibration.csv'): ladder = pandas.read_csv(StringIO( if name.endswith(('Gel.PNG', 'Gel.JPEG')): content = StringIO( images_plate = plate_from_aati_fa_gel_image(content) if plate is None: raise IOError("No file `Peak Table.csv` found in AATI archive.")["ladder"] = ladder if images_plate is not None: plate.merge_data_from(images_plate) return plate