Primavera is a Python library to plan and analyze primer-based verification of DNA assemblies, using Sanger sequencing or verification PCR. It implements methods to design and select primers to ensure that the relevant assembly segments will be covered, and it
Primer selection
The following code assumes that a file
contains the labels and sequences of all available primers in the lab, and that the assemblies to be sequence-verified have annotations indicating the zones that the sequencing should cover and zones where primer annealing should be avoided.
from primavera import PrimerSelector, Primer, load_record import os # LOAD ASSEMBLIES RECORDS AND AVAILABLE PRIMERS records = [load_record(file_path, linear=False) for file_path in ['my_record_1.gb', 'my_record_2.gb'...]] available_primers = Primer.list_from_fasta("example_primers.fa") # SELECT THE BEST PRIMERS selector = PrimerSelector(tm_range=(55, 70), size_range=(16, 25)) selected_primers = selector.select_primers(records, available_primers) # PLOT THE COVERAGE AND WRITE THE PRIMERS IN A SPREADSHEET selector.plot_coverage(records, selected_primers, 'coverage.pdf') selector.write_primers_table(selected_primers, 'selected_primers.csv')The returned
contains a list of lists of primers (one list for each construct). The PDF report returned looks like this:![]()
Sequencing Validation
(documentation for this feature is coming soon)
You can install Primavera through PIP
sudo pip install primavera
Alternatively, you can unzip the sources in a folder and type
sudo python setup.py install
To be able to generate plots and reports, run
sudo pip install dna_features_viewer weasyprint
License = MIT¶
Primavera is an open-source software originally written at the Edinburgh Genome Foundry by Zulko and released on Github under the MIT licence (¢ Edinburg Genome Foundry).
Everyone is welcome to contribute !