Seq Report
Simple reporting on a set of sequences for documentation purposes.
pip install git+
See also build.yml or PDF Reports Installation instructions.
import seqreport
seq_fasta = "seq.fa"
seq_coll = seqreport.SeqCollection(records=seqreport.read_fasta(seq_fasta), projectname="EGF24")
seqreport.write_pdf_report("seq_report.pdf", seq_coll)
Alternatively, use a CSV file to specify parameters:
seq_coll = seqreport.seqcollection_from_csv(csv_file="tests/data/values.csv")
Header is ignored, but there must be a header. Entries must match the SeqCollection parameters (example).
Seq Report uses the semantic versioning scheme.
License = MIT
Seq Report is free/libre and open-source software, which means the users have the freedom to run, study, change and distribute the software.
Seq Report was written at the Edinburgh Genome Foundry by Peter Vegh.
Copyright 2024 Edinburgh Genome Foundry, University of Edinburgh