Source code for easy_dna.biological_operations

import numpy as np

from Bio.Seq import Seq

from .biotables import COMPLEMENTS, CODONS_SEQUENCES

[docs]def complement(dna_sequence): """Return the complement of the DNA sequence. For instance ``complement("ATGCCG")`` returns ``"TACGGC"``. Uses Biopython for speed. """ if hasattr(dna_sequence, "complement"): return dna_sequence.complement() if len(dna_sequence) <= 30: return "".join([COMPLEMENTS[nuc] for nuc in dna_sequence]) # This alternative has overhead but is really fast on long sequences return str(Seq(dna_sequence).complement())
[docs]def reverse_complement(dna_sequence): """Return the reverse-complement of the DNA sequence. For instance ``reverse_complement("ATGCCG")`` returns ``"CGGCAT"``. Uses Biopython for speed. """ if hasattr(dna_sequence, "reverse_complement"): return dna_sequence.reverse_complement() return complement(dna_sequence)[::-1]
[docs]def reverse_translate(protein_sequence, randomize_codons=False): """Return a DNA sequence which translates to the provided protein sequence. Note: at the moment, the first valid codon found is used for each amino-acid (so it is deterministic but no codon-optimization is done). """ if randomize_codons: random_indices = np.random.randint(0, 1000, len(protein_sequence)) return "".join( [ CODONS_SEQUENCES[aa][random_index % len(CODONS_SEQUENCES[aa])] for aa, random_index in zip(protein_sequence, random_indices) ] ) return "".join([CODONS_SEQUENCES[aa][0] for aa in protein_sequence])
[docs]def translate(dna_sequence, translation_table="Bacterial"): """Translate the DNA sequence into an amino-acid sequence "MLKYQT...". If ``translation_table`` is the name or number of a NCBI genetic table, Biopython will be used. See here for options: ``translation_table`` can also be a dictionary of the form ``{"ATT": "M", "CTC": "X", etc.}`` for more exotic translation tables. """ if isinstance(translation_table, dict): return "".join( [ translation_table[dna_sequence[i : i + 3]] for i in range(0, len(dna_sequence), 3) ] ) else: return str(Seq(dna_sequence).translate(table=translation_table))