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.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/genedom.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/genedom :alt: Travis CI build status .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/genedom/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/github/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/genedom?branch=master GeneDom is a python library for managing the domestication of genetic parts (i.e. the modification of their sequence so as to make them compatible with a given genetic assembly standard). Genedom binds together a `sequence optimizer `_, genetic standards informations, and a reporting routines, to automate the domestication of large batches in an easy and human-friendly way. .. raw:: html


Features include: - Possibility to define parts domesticators with added right-hand and left-hand nucleotide, hard constraints on the sequence (such as absence of a restriction site) and optimization objectives (such as codon optimization). - Built-in pre-defined domesticators for popular genetic assembly standards (well, only EMMA at the moment). - Possibility to generate and attribute barcodes that will be added to the sequence (but won't be in final constructs) in order to easily check that this is the right part in the future in case of label mix-up. - Routine for mass-domesticating sequences with report generation, including reports on each sequence optimization, spreadsheets of parts, ready-to-order FASTA records of the parts, and a summary report to quickly verify everything, with a list of every domesticator used, for traceability. Here is an example of summary report: .. raw:: html


You can also use Genedom online via ``this web app ``_. Usage examples --------------- Simple domestication of one part ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python from genedom import (GoldenGateDomesticator, random_dna_sequence, write_record) sequence = random_dna_sequence(2000, seed=123) domesticator = GoldenGateDomesticator("ATTC", "ATCG", enzyme='BsmBI') domestication_results = domesticator.domesticate(sequence, edit=True) print (domestication_results.summary()) write_record(domestication_results.record_after, 'domesticated.gb') Generating a collection of 20bp barcodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (see docs for more potions) .. code:: python from genedom import BarcodesCollection barcodes_collection = BarcodesCollection.from_specs( n_barcodes=96, barcode_length=20, forbidden_enzymes=('BsaI', 'BsmBI', 'BbsI')) barcodes_collection.to_fasta('example_barcodes_collection.fa') Domesticating a batch of parts with PDF report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code :: python from genedom import BUILTIN_STANDARDS, load_record, batch_domestication records = [ load_record(filepath, name=filename) for filepath in records_filepaths ] barcodes_collection = BarcodesCollection.from_specs(n_barcodes=10) batch_domestication(records, 'domestication_report.zip', barcodes=barcodes, # optional standard=BUILTIN_STANDARDS.EMMA) Installation ------------- You can install Genedom through PIP (coming soon) .. code:: shell sudo pip install geneblocks Alternatively, you can unzip the sources in a folder and type .. code:: shell sudo python setup.py install Licence -------- Genedom is an open-source software originally written at the `Edinburgh Genome Foundry `_ by `Zulko `_ and `released on Github `_ under the MIT licence (copyright Edinburgh Genome Foundry). Everyone is welcome to contribute ! More biology software ----------------------- .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry.github.io/master/static/imgs/logos/egf-codon-horizontal.png :target: https://edinburgh-genome-foundry.github.io/ Saboteurs is part of the `EGF Codons `_ synthetic biology software suite for DNA design, manufacturing and validation. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 self .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Reference :maxdepth: 3 ref .. _Github: https://github.com/EdinburghGenomeFoundry/genedom .. _PYPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnachisel