lala Reference manual

class lala.WebLogs(*args, **kw)[source]

Custom Pandas dataframe class for reading web logs.


Return a new version of self minus the blacklisted ips.

countries_colormap(mini='auto', maxi='auto', ax=None)[source]

Plot a colormap of different countries, return the Matplotlib ax.



A list of couples (coutry_name, value)

mini, maxi

Extreme values leading to read or white colors. Leave to auto to adjust this range to the values of country_values.


A Matplotlib ax with a representation of the world. If None, one is created automatically

entries_last(num, duration)[source]

Returns the weblogs of the latest entries up to XX ago.


>>> # Filter out all entries more than 1 hour old
>>> last_hour_weblogs = self.entries_last(1, 'hour')
>>> # Filter out all entries more than 5 days old
>>> last_days_weblogs = self.entries_last(5, 'days')

Return a filtered version of self based on searched terms.

static from_nginx_weblogs(filepath=None, log_lines=None)[source]

Return a dataframe of access log entries, from lines of NGINX logs.

The log_lines are a list of strings, each representing one access logged by NGINX.

identify_ips_domains(logger='bar', known_ips=None)[source]

Add a ip_owner column to self.

plot_geo_positions(ax=None, country_colors=True)[source]

Plot circles on a map around positions of the entries in the access log.



Matplotlib ax with a representation of the world.

plot_piechart(column, ax=None)[source]

Plot circles on a map around positions of the entries in the access log.



name of the column to plot


Matplotlib ax on which to plot the pie chart. If None, one is created automatically.

plot_timeline(bins_per_day=4, ax=None)[source]

Plot a time profile of access.



number of time points per day.


Matplotlib ax on which to plot the profile. If None, one is created automatically.