PDF Reports (complete documentation here) is a Python library to create nice-looking PDF reports from HTML or Pug templates. It features modern-looking components (via the Semantic UI framework) and provides routines to embed tables or plots in the documents.
Example of use¶
Your Pug template file template.pug
may look like this (see a full example):
#sidebar I am the text in the sidebar.
h1 {{ title }}
p Oh hi there ! I am some text in a cool box.
Your Python code will be as follows:
from pdf_reports import pug_to_html, write_report
html = pug_to_html("template.pug", title="My report")
write_report(html, "example.pdf")
And your final result may look like this (PDF file):

See also this example embedding some python code in the template to create figures and tables on the flight.
Other features¶
Preloading CSS and SCSS¶
PDF Reports provides a preload_stylesheet
method which can be used to load
and parse a CSS file. It also works with SCSS files (which will automatically
be compiled to CSS) but this requires libsass
installed (for instance via
pip install libsass
). Here is an example:
from pdf_reports import pug_to_html, write_report, preload_stylesheet
css = preload_stylesheet('style.scss')
html = pug_to_html("template.pug", title="My report", my_name='Zulko')
write_report(html, "example.pdf", extra_stylesheets=[css])
Using a ReportWriter¶
The ReportWriter class allows to define default templates, styles, and variable names. It can be used to avoid repeating yourself across your application:
from pdf_reports import ReportWriter
report_writer = ReportWriter(
title="My default title",
html = report_writer.pug_to_html(my_name="Zulko", my_organization="EGF")
report_writer.write_report(html, "example_reportwriter.pdf")
Markdown support¶
As a feature of PyPugJS, markdown is supported in the Pug templates.
This is some markdown text. Here is a [link](http://example.com/).
- this is a bullet point list
- Second item
- Etc.
PDF tools¶
Some useful functions for generating reports are available from inside the
Pug templates under pdf_tools
. For instance, pdf_tools.figure_data()
to embed matplotlib images, or pdf_tools.dataframe_to_html()
to turn Pandas dataframes into HTML, and style them nicely with Semantic UI.
Have a look at the docs, or this
The JupyterPDF
class eases report templates writing by embedding PDF files
in Jupyter notebooks (using the browser’s interactive PDF viewer).
from pdf_reports import JupyterPDF
# Build your PDF
# At the end of the notebook cell:
The core of the library consists of just a few lines of Python, using pypugjs to parse Pug templates, optionally including stylesheets from the Semantic UI CSS framework, and finally calling weasyprint for PDF generation. Please refer to the Weasyprint documentation for the customization of templates. For instance, to customize the page margins and numbering the Weasyprint way, add this to your SCSS code:
@page {
margin: 1cm 0 2cm 0cm;
@bottom-center {
content: "Page " counter(page) " / " counter(pages);
font-family: 'Lato';
Using Semantic UI implies that (1) the Lato font family should be installed on your machine, otherwise the results will look less good, and (2) the first time that write_pdf
is called in a Python session, if using the default Semantic UI style, the parsing of the CSS will add a 3-second overhead to the function calls (but there will be no overhead for the next calls in that session).
You can install the library via PIP
sudo pip install pdf_reports
Alternatively, you can unzip the sources in a folder and type
sudo python setup.py install
Note: on some Debian systems you may need to first install libffi-dev
(apt install libffi-dev
). The package name may be libffi-devel
on some systems.
Note: on macOS, you may need to first install pango with:
brew install pango
License = MIT¶
This open-source software project was originally written at the Edinburgh Genome Foundry by Zulko and released on Github under the MIT licence (¢ Edinburg Genome Foundry). Everyone is welcome to contribute !