Digestions with mixed enzymes

"""Simple gel simulation with gelsimulation.py.

This example shows how to plot the the digestion patterns produced by different
restriction enzymes on a same DNA sequence.
import itertools
from bandwagon import (BandsPattern, BandsPatternsSet, LADDER_100_to_4k,

with open("example_sequence.txt", "r") as f:
    sequence = f.read()

enzymes = "EcoRI", "EcoRV", "BamHI", "XhoI"
mixes = [[e] for e in enzymes] + list(itertools.combinations(enzymes, 2))

patterns = [
    BandsPattern(compute_digestion_bands(sequence, mix, linear=True),
                 ladder=LADDER_100_to_4k, label=" + ".join(mix),
                 label_fontdict={"rotation": 40, "size": 9})
    for mix in mixes

patterns_set = BandsPatternsSet(patterns=[LADDER_100_to_4k] + patterns,
                                label="Digestion results", ladder_ticks=3)

ax = patterns_set.plot()
ax.figure.savefig("mixed_digestions.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=120)