Source code for dna_features_viewer.GraphicRecord.GraphicRecord

from ..biotools import find_narrowest_text_wrap

from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation, SeqFeature
from Bio.Alphabet import DNAAlphabet

from .MatplotlibPlottableMixin import MatplotlibPlottableMixin
from .BokehPlottableMixin import BokehPlottableMixin

[docs]class GraphicRecord(MatplotlibPlottableMixin, BokehPlottableMixin): """Set of Genetic Features of a same DNA sequence, to be plotted together. Parameters ---------- sequence_length Length of the DNA sequence, in number of nucleotides features list of GraphicalFeature objects. feature_level_height Width in inches of one "level" for feature arrows. annotation_height Width in inches of one "level" for feature annotations. first_index Indicates the first index to plot in case the sequence is actually a subsequence of a larger one. For instance, if the Graphic record represents the segment (400, 420) of a sequence, we will have ``first_index=400`` and ``sequence_length=20``. plots_indexing Indicates which standard to use to show nucleotide indices in the plots. If 'biopython', the standard python indexing is used (starting at 0). If 'genbank', the indexing follows the Genbank standard (starting at 1). labels_spacing Number of pixels that will "pad" every labels to force some horizontal space between two labels or between a label and the borders of a feature. ticks_resolution Leave to "auto" for an auto-selected number of ticks on the ruler, or set to e.g. 50 for a tick every 50 nucleotide. Attributes ---------- default_font_family Default font to use for a feature that doesn't declare a font. default_ruler_color Default ruler color to use when no color is given at plot() time. default_box_color Default box color for non-inline annotations. If set to None, no boxes will be drawn unless the features declare a box_color. If "auto", a color (clearer version of the feature's color) will be computed, for all features also declaring their box_color as "auto". default_elevate_outline_annotations Value to use for elevate_outline_annotations when no specific value is given at ``graphic_record.plot(...)`` time. Set to true to have all text annotations appears above all features, or false else. """ default_font_family = None default_ruler_color = "grey" default_box_color = "auto" min_y_height_of_text_line = 0.5 def __init__( self, sequence_length=None, sequence=None, features=(), feature_level_height=1, first_index=0, plots_indexing="biopython", labels_spacing=8, ticks_resolution='auto' ): if sequence_length is None: sequence_length = len(sequence) self.features = features self.sequence_length = sequence_length self.feature_level_height = feature_level_height self.sequence = sequence self.first_index = first_index self.plots_indexing = plots_indexing self.labels_spacing = labels_spacing self.ticks_resolution = ticks_resolution @property def last_index(self): return self.first_index + self.sequence_length @property def span(self): """Return the display span (start, end) accounting for first_index.""" return self.first_index, self.last_index
[docs] def to_biopython_record(self, sequence): """ Example ------- from Bio import SeqIO gr_record = GraphicRecord(features=features, sequence_length=len(seq), sequence=seq) bio_record = gr_record.to_biopython_record() with open("", "w+") as f: SeqIO.write(record, f, "genbank") """ features = [ SeqFeature( FeatureLocation(f.start, f.end, f.strand), type=f.feature_type, qualifiers={"label": f.label}, ) for f in self.features ] if not isinstance(sequence, Seq): sequence = Seq(sequence, alphabet=DNAAlphabet()) return SeqRecord(seq=sequence, features=features)
def crop(self, window): start, end = window first_index = self.first_index if (start < first_index) or (end > self.last_index): raise ValueError("out-of-bound cropping") new_features = [] for f in self.features: cropped_feature = f.crop(window) if cropped_feature is not None: # = has ovelap with the window new_features.append(cropped_feature) return GraphicRecord( sequence=self.sequence[start - first_index : end - first_index] if self.sequence is not None else None, sequence_length=end - start, features=new_features, feature_level_height=self.feature_level_height, first_index=start, plots_indexing=self.plots_indexing, labels_spacing=self.labels_spacing, ticks_resolution=self.ticks_resolution )
[docs] def determine_annotation_height(self, levels): """By default the ideal annotation level height is the same as the feature_level_height.""" # TODO: Improve me! ideally, annotation width would be linked to the # height of one line of text, so dependent on font size and ax # height/span. return self.feature_level_height
[docs] def coordinates_in_plot(self, x, level): """Convert a sequence position and height level into a (x, y) position. """ return (x, level * self.feature_level_height)
[docs] def split_overflowing_features_circularly(self): """Split the features that overflow over the edge for circular constructs (inplace).""" new_features = [] for f in self.features: if f.start < 0 < f.end: f1, f2 = f.split_in_two(-1) f1.start, f1.end = ( f1.start + self.sequence_length, f1.end + self.sequence_length, ) new_features += [f1, f2] elif f.start < self.sequence_length < f.end: f1, f2 = f.split_in_two(self.sequence_length - 1) f2.start, f2.end = ( f2.start - self.sequence_length, f2.end - self.sequence_length, ) new_features += [f1, f2] else: new_features.append(f) self.features = new_features
def _format_label(self, label, max_label_length=50, max_line_length=40): if len(label) > max_label_length: label = label[: max_label_length - 1] + "…" if len(label) > max_line_length: label = find_narrowest_text_wrap(label, max_line_length) return label def compute_padding(self, ax): ax_width = ax.get_window_extent(ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer()).width xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() return self.labels_spacing * (xmax - xmin) / (1.0 * ax_width)