Source code for geneblocks.CommonBlocks.CommonBlocks

"""Defines central class BlockFinder."""
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

from .CommonBlocksRecordTranslator import CommonBlocksRecordTranslator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

from ..biotools import annotate_record

from .commonblocks_tools import (

# TODO: Simplify the code by using the new Location class in

[docs]class CommonBlocks: """Class to represent a set of common blocks from different sequences. Create with ``CommonBlocks.from_sequences``: >>> common_blocks = CommonBlocks.from_sequences({'s1': 'ATGC...'}) Parameters ---------- common_blocks A dictionary of the sequences to compare, of the form {sequence_name: ATGC_sequence_string} or a list of records, all with different IDs. records A dictionary of the Biopython records of the sequences {record_id: record}. """ def __init__(self, common_blocks, records): """Initialize, compute best blocks.""" self.common_blocks = common_blocks self.records = records @staticmethod def from_sequences( sequences, block_selection_method="most_coverage_first", include_self_homologies=True, min_block_size=80, max_block_size=None, ): sequences_dict, records_dict = format_sequences_as_dicts(sequences) homologies_dict = find_homologies_between_sequences( sequences_dict, min_size=min_block_size, max_size=max_block_size, include_self_homologies=include_self_homologies, ) common_blocks = select_common_blocks( homologies_dict, sequences_dict, min_size=min_block_size, method=block_selection_method, ) return CommonBlocks(common_blocks=common_blocks, records=records_dict)
[docs] def compute_unique_blocks(self): """Return a dictionary listing unique blocks by sequence. The unique blocks are the blocks between the selected common blocks. The result is of the form {seq: [(start, end), (start2, end2), ...]} """ unique_blocks = OrderedDict() for seqname, rec in self.sequences_with_annotated_blocks().items(): blocks_locations = ( [(0, 0)] + sorted( [ (f.location.start, f.location.end) for f in rec.features if f.qualifiers.get("is_block", False) ] ) + [(len(rec), len(rec))] ) unique_blocks[seqname] = [ (end1, start2) for (_, end1), (start2, _) in zip( blocks_locations, blocks_locations[1:] ) if (start2 - end1) > 1 ] return unique_blocks
[docs] def common_blocks_to_csv(self, target_file=None): """Write the common blocks into a CSV file. If a target CSV file is provided the result is written to that file. Otherwise the result is returned as a string. The columns of the CSV file are "block", "size", "locations", and sequence. """ csv_content = "\n".join( ["block;size;locations;sequence"] + [ ";".join( [ block_name, str(len(data["sequence"])), " ".join( [ "%s(%d, %d, %d)" % (cst, start, end, strand) for (cst, (start, end, strand)) in data["locations"] ] ), data["sequence"], ] ) for block_name, data in self.common_blocks.items() ] ) if target_file: with open(target_file, "w+") as f: f.write(csv_content) else: return csv_content
[docs] def common_blocks_records(self): """Return all common blocks as a list of Biopython records. """ if self.records is None: raise ValueError("") records = [] for block_name, data in self.common_blocks.items(): cst, (start, end, strand) = data["locations"][0] record = self.records[cst][start:end] if strand == -1: record = record.reverse_complement() = = block_name records.append(record) return records
[docs] def unique_blocks_records(self, target_file=None): """Return all unique blocks as a list of Biopython records.""" if self.records is None: raise ValueError("") records = [] for seqname, locations in self.compute_unique_blocks().items(): for i, (start, end) in enumerate(locations): record = self.records[seqname][start:end] = "%s_%03d" % (seqname, i) records.append(record) return records
[docs] def sequences_with_annotated_blocks(self, colors="auto"): """Return a list of Biopython records representing the sequences with annotations indicating the common blocks. Parameter ``colors`` is either a list of colors or "auto" for the default. """ records = deepcopy(self.records) if colors == "auto": colors = itertools.cycle([cm.Paired(0.21 * i % 1.0) for i in range(30)]) blocks_and_colors = zip(self.common_blocks.items(), colors) for (name, data), color in blocks_and_colors: for (seqname, location) in data["locations"]: annotate_record( records[seqname], location, feature_type="misc_feature", is_block=True, label=name, color=color, ) return records
[docs] def plot_common_blocks( self, colors="auto", axes=None, figure_width=10, ax_height=2 ): """Plot the common blocks found on vertically stacked axes. The axes on which the plots are drawn are returned at the end. Parameters ---------- colors Either a list of colors to use for blocks or "auto" for the default. axes A list of matplotlib axes on which to plot, or None for new axes. figure_width Width of the final figure in inches. ax_eight Height of each plot. """ translator = CommonBlocksRecordTranslator() records = self.sequences_with_annotated_blocks(colors=colors) if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots( len(self.records), 1, facecolor="white", sharex=True, figsize=(figure_width, ax_height * len(self.records)), ) else: fig = axes[0].figure for (ax, (seqname, record)) in zip(axes, records.items()): gr_record = translator.translate_record(record) gr_record.plot( ax, x_lim=(0, max([len(rec) for rec in self.records.values()])), with_ruler=(ax == axes[-1]), ) ax.set_ylim(top=ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_title(seqname, loc="left", fontdict=dict(weight="bold")) # fig.tight_layout() return axes
def copy_features_between_common_blocks(self, inplace=False): def extract_subrecord(record, location): start, end, strand = location record = record[start:end] if strand == -1: record = record.reverse_complement() return record def extract_features(record, offset, reverse=False): if reverse: record = record.reverse_complement() new_features = [deepcopy(f) for f in record.features] for f in new_features: f.qualifiers["original_record"] = for f in new_features: f.location += offset return new_features if inplace: records = self.records else: records = deepcopy(self.records) for data in self.common_blocks.values(): locations = data["locations"] subrecords = { rec_id: extract_subrecord(records[rec_id], location) for rec_id, location in data["locations"] } for l1, l2 in itertools.combinations(locations, 2): for ((id1, loc1), (id2, __loc2)) in ((l1, l2), (l2, l1)): start1, __end1, strand1 = loc1 # start2, end2, strand2 = loc2 records[id1].features += extract_features( subrecords[id2], offset=start1, reverse=(strand1 == -1) ) return records