Source code for geneblocks.DiffBlocks.DiffBlocks

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy as np

from ..Location import Location
from ..biotools import sequence_to_record
from ..CommonBlocks import CommonBlocks

from .DiffBlock import DiffBlock
from .DiffRecordTranslator import DiffRecordTranslator
from .diffblocks_tools import (

[docs]class DiffBlocks: """Class to generate and represent DiffBlocks. Usage: >>> DiffBlocks.from_sequences(s1, s2) """ def __init__(self, s1, s2, blocks): self.s1 = s1 self.s2 = s2 self.blocks = blocks
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sequences(s1, s2, blast_over=500, max_complexity=1e8): """Create DiffBlocks by comparing two sequences. Parameters ---------- s1, s2 Two sequences, either "ATGC..." strings or Biopython records. blast_over A blast will be triggered to accelerate homology finding if len(s1) + len(s2) > blast_over. max_complexity If len(s1) * len(s2) is over max_complexity, no analysis is done and s1 is just labeled as a "change" of s2 (useful internally during the recursions of this method). """ # Note: the sequences will always be upperized before they are # compared. however we also need to keep the initial sequences to # create the final blocks (possibly with upper/lowercase nucleotides) # If the sequences are records, convert to string seq_s1 = str(s1.seq) if hasattr(s1, "seq") else str(s1) seq_s2 = str(s2.seq) if hasattr(s2, "seq") else str(s2) # Simple case to eliminate the trivial case of equality if seq_s1.upper() == seq_s2.upper(): return DiffBlocks(s1, s2, []) # If the sequences are too big for straight-on Levenshtein, first # find the large sub-blocks that are identical, and the ones that # differ. if (blast_over is not None) and (len(s1) + len(s2)) > blast_over: diffblocks = [] # Use CommonBlocks to find all big common blocks sequences = {"s1": s1, "s2": s2} common_blocks = CommonBlocks.from_sequences( sequences, min_block_size=100, include_self_homologies=False, block_selection_method="larger_first", ).common_blocks blocks_in_seqs, remarks = get_optimal_common_blocks(common_blocks) # First, each common block is added as an "equal" diffblock for b1, b2 in zip(blocks_in_seqs["s1"], blocks_in_seqs["s2"]): diffblocks.append( DiffBlock( "equal", s1_location=Location(*b1[:2], sequence=s1), s2_location=Location(*b2[:2], sequence=s2), ) ) # for sequence in s1, s2, complete the sequence's list of blocks # with a (0, 0, "START") on the left, (L, L, "END") on the right. for seq, blocks in blocks_in_seqs.items(): blocks_in_seqs[seq] = ( [(0, 0, "START")] + blocks_in_seqs[seq] + [(len(sequences[seq]), len(sequences[seq]), "END")] ) for i in range(len(blocks_in_seqs["s2"]) - 1): _, end1, _ = blocks_in_seqs["s1"][i] next_start1, _, _ = blocks_in_seqs["s1"][i + 1] _, end2, _ = blocks_in_seqs["s2"][i] next_start2, _, _ = blocks_in_seqs["s2"][i + 1] if next_start2 < end2: subdiffblocks = [ DiffBlock( "delete", s1_location=Location(end1, next_start1, sequence=s1), s2_location=Location(next_start2, next_start2, sequence=s2), ) ] else: subsequence_1 = s1[end1:next_start1] subsequence_2 = s2[end2:next_start2] subdiffblocks = DiffBlocks.from_sequences( subsequence_1, subsequence_2, blast_over=None, max_complexity=max_complexity, ) for block in subdiffblocks.blocks: block.s1_location.start += end1 block.s1_location.end += end1 block.s1_location.sequence = s1 block.s2_location.start += end2 block.s2_location.end += end2 block.s2_location.sequence = s2 diffblocks += subdiffblocks.blocks diffblocks = [ b for b in diffblocks if len(b.s1_location) or len(b.s2_location) ] sorted_blocks = compute_sorted_blocks(diffblocks + remarks) return DiffBlocks(s1, s2, sorted_blocks) s1_std = str(s1.seq if hasattr(s1, "seq") else s1).upper() s2_std = str(s2.seq if hasattr(s2, "seq") else s2).upper() levenshtein_blocks = compute_levenshtein_blocks( s1_std, s2_std, max_complexity=max_complexity ) blocks = [ DiffBlock( operation, Location(s1s, s1e, sequence=s1), Location(s2s, s2e, sequence=s2), ) for operation, (s1s, s1e), (s2s, s2e) in levenshtein_blocks ] return DiffBlocks(s1, s2, blocks)
def merged( self, blocks_per_span=(3, 600), change_gap=100, replace_gap=10, reference="s2", ): blocks = [b for b in self.blocks if b.operation not in ["reverse", "transpose"]] remarks = [b for b in self.blocks if b.operation in ["reverse", "transpose"]] if blocks_per_span is not None: max_blocks, span = blocks_per_span blocks = merge_blocs_by_location( blocks=blocks, max_blocks=max_blocks, max_span=span, reference=reference, ) if change_gap is not None: blocks = merge_successive_blocks( blocks=blocks, change_gap=change_gap, replace_gap=replace_gap, reference="s2", ) blocks = compute_sorted_blocks(blocks + remarks) return DiffBlocks(s1=self.s1, s2=self.s2, blocks=blocks) def sort_blocks(self): self.blocks = compute_sorted_blocks(self.blocks) def diffs_as_features(self, sequence="s2"): return [block.to_feature(sequence=sequence) for block in self.blocks] def plot( self, translator_class="default", separate_axes=True, sequence="s2", **plot_kw ): if translator_class == "default": translator_class = DiffRecordTranslator translator = translator_class() record = deepcopy(self.s2 if sequence == "s2" else self.s1) if not hasattr(record, "features"): record = sequence_to_record(record) diff_features = self.diffs_as_features(sequence=sequence) if separate_axes: gr_record = translator.translate_record(record) record.features = diff_features gr_diffrecord = DiffRecordTranslator().translate_record(record) width = plot_kw.get("figure_width", 8) if "axes" in plot_kw: ax1, ax2 = plot_kw["axes"] fig = ax1.figure else: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(width, 6)) plot_kw["annotate_inline"] = plot_kw.get("annotate_inline", True) _, stats1 = gr_record.plot(ax=ax1, **plot_kw) _, stats2 = gr_diffrecord.plot(ax=ax2, with_ruler=False, **plot_kw) max_features_1 = gr_record.feature_level_height * max( [0] + [v for v in stats1[0].values()] ) max_level_1 = max( [max_features_1] + [v["annotation_y"] for v in stats1[1].values()] ) max_level_2 = max([1] + [v["annotation_y"] for v in stats2[1].values()]) + 2 max_level_1 = int(np.round(max_level_1)) max_level_2 = int(np.round(max_level_2)) # print (stats2) n_levels = max_level_1 + max_level_2 if max_level_1 and max_level_2: plt.close(fig) ## easing = 3 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_levels + 2 * easing, 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, 1 + 0.5 * n_levels), facecolor="w") ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[: max_level_1 + easing]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[max_level_1 + easing :]) _, stats1 = gr_record.plot(ax=ax1, **plot_kw) _, stats2 = gr_diffrecord.plot(ax=ax2, with_ruler=False, **plot_kw) # fig.set_size_inches((width, 3 + 0.4 * n_levels)) ax2.set_ylim(bottom=-2) ax2.invert_yaxis() for f in gr_diffrecord.features: ax1.fill_between( [f.start, f.end], y1=max_features_1 + 1, y2=-1, facecolor=f.color, alpha=0.07, zorder=1000, ) return (ax1, ax2) else: record.features += diff_features gr_record = translator.translate_record(record) ax, _ = gr_record.plot(**plot_kw) return ax @staticmethod def reconstruct_sequences_from_blocks(blocks): s1, s2 = "", "" blocks = sorted(blocks, key=lambda b: b.s2_location.to_tuple()) for block in blocks: if block.operation in ("equal", "replace", "change", "delete"): s1 = s1 + block.s1_location.extract_sequence() if block.operation in ("equal", "replace", "change", "insert"): s2 = s2 + block.s2_location.extract_sequence() return s1, s2 def __str__(self): return ", ".join([str(b) for b in self.blocks])