Source code for geneblocks.biotools

import tempfile
import subprocess

import numpy as np

    from Bio.Seq import Seq
    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
    from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
    from Bio import SeqIO

except ImportError:

    # Biopython <1.78
    from Bio.Alphabet import DNAAlphabet

    has_dna_alphabet = True
except ImportError:
    # Biopython >=1.78
    has_dna_alphabet = False

complements_dict = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "C": "G", "G": "C"}

[docs]def random_dna_sequence(length, probas=None, seed=None): """Return a random DNA sequence ("ATGGCGT...") with the specified length. Parameters ---------- length Length of the DNA sequence. proba Frequencies for the different nucleotides, for instance ``probas={"A":0.2, "T":0.3, "G":0.3, "C":0.2}``. If not specified, all nucleotides are equiprobable (p=0.25). seed The seed to feed to the random number generator. When a seed is provided the random results depend deterministically on the seed, thus enabling reproducibility """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if probas is None: sequence = np.random.choice(list("ATCG"), length) else: bases, probas = zip(*probas.items()) sequence = np.random.choice(bases, length, p=probas) return "".join(sequence)
def load_record(filename, linear=True, name="id", upperize=True): formt = "genbank" if filename.endswith(("gb", "gbk")) else "fasta" record =, formt) if upperize: record.seq = record.seq.upper() record.linear = linear if name != "id": = name =" ", "_")[:20] return record def complement(sequence): return "".join(complements_dict[c] for c in sequence) def reverse_complement(sequence): return complement(sequence)[::-1] def sequence_to_record(sequence, record_id=None, name="unnamed", features=()): if not BIOPYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("Creating records requires Biopython installed.") if has_dna_alphabet: # Biopython <1.78 sequence = Seq(sequence, alphabet=DNAAlphabet()) else: sequence = Seq(sequence) seqrecord = SeqRecord(sequence, name=name, id=record_id, features=list(features),) seqrecord.annotations["molecule_type"] = "DNA" return seqrecord
[docs]def annotate_record( seqrecord, location="full", feature_type="feature", margin=0, **qualifiers ): """Add a feature to a Biopython SeqRecord. Parameters ---------- seqrecord The biopython seqrecord to be annotated. location Either (start, end) or (start, end, strand). (strand defaults to +1) feature_type The type associated with the feature margin Number of extra bases added on each side of the given location. qualifiers Dictionnary that will be the Biopython feature's `qualifiers` attribute. """ if not BIOPYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("Creating records requires Biopython installed.") if location == "full": location = (margin, len(seqrecord) - margin) strand = location[2] if len(location) == 3 else 1 seqrecord.features.append( SeqFeature( FeatureLocation(location[0], location[1], strand), qualifiers=qualifiers, type=feature_type, ) )
[docs]def sequences_differences_array(seq1, seq2): """Return an array [0, 0, 1, 0, ...] with 1s for sequence differences. seq1, seq2 should both be ATGC strings. """ if len(seq1) != len(seq2): raise ValueError( "Only use on same-size sequences (%d, %d)" % (len(seq1), len(seq2)) ) arr1 = np.fromstring(seq1, dtype="uint8") arr2 = np.fromstring(seq2, dtype="uint8") return arr1 != arr2
[docs]def sequences_differences(seq1, seq2): """Return the number of nucleotides that differ in the two sequences. seq1, seq2 should be strings of DNA sequences e.g. "ATGCTGTGC" """ return sequences_differences_array(seq1, seq2).sum()