Source code for bandwagon.Band

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from .tools import updated_dict

[docs]class Band: """A band in a migration pattern. This class controls all visual aspects of the band (form, color, label...). Parameters ---------- dna_size migration_distance Observed migration distance of the band. Useful if you are using this band to define a ladder, otherwise keep to None. ladder Ladder used to determine the migration distance of the band, if no ``migration_distance`` was provided. band_color Color of the band. Can be a color name (like 'black', 'red'...) or an hexadecimal code like '#001aff' (this format is mandatory if you want to export to browser-based display. band_thickness Thickness of the band in pixels. band_width Proportion of the column width that is occupied by the band (the columns for each band pattern have a width of 1.0). label Label to be printed on the band, if any provided. Set to '=size' for printing the band sizes. label_fontdict A dict indicating the format of the label if any provided. For instance ``{'size': 7, 'weight':'bold', 'color': '#0011aa'}``. html Html appearing when hovering the band. """ def __init__( self, dna_size, migration_distance=None, ladder=None, band_color="#000000", band_thickness=2, band_width=0.7, label=None, label_fontdict=None, html=None, ): self.dna_size = dna_size if ladder is not None: migration_distance = ladder.dna_size_to_migration(dna_size) self.migration_distance = migration_distance self.band_color = band_color self.band_width = band_width self.band_thickness = band_thickness self.label = label self.label_fontdict = label_fontdict self.html = html self.initialize() def initialize(self): if self.label == "=size": self.label = self._format_dna_size(self.dna_size) @staticmethod def _format_dna_size(dna_size): """Prettify the fragment size label, e.g. '13278' becomes '13.3k'""" if dna_size >= 1000: kilobases = np.round(dna_size / 1000.0, 1) number_fmt = "%d" if (kilobases == int(kilobases)) else "%.1f" return (number_fmt % kilobases) + "k" else: return "%d" % dna_size def _plot_band(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot the band's line on the matplotlib ax at the x-coordinate.""" ax.plot( [x_coord - self.band_width / 2.0, x_coord + self.band_width / 2.0], [-self.migration_distance, -self.migration_distance], lw=self.band_thickness, c=self.band_color, ) def _plot_label(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot the label on (top of) the band.""" if self.label is None: return fontdict = updated_dict( {"color": "white", "family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 10}, self.label_fontdict, ) ax.text( x_coord, -self.migration_distance, self.label, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontdict=fontdict, transform=ax.transData, bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc=self.band_color, lw=0), )
[docs] def plot(self, ax, x_coord): """Plot the band's line and label on the ax at the x-coordinate.""" self._plot_band(ax, x_coord) self._plot_label(ax, x_coord)
[docs] def to_json(self, ladder=None): """Return a dictionary version of the band (for bokeh plotting).""" return { prop: self.__dict__[prop] for prop in [ "dna_size", "band_color", "band_width", "band_thickness", "label", "html", "migration_distance", ] }
[docs] def modified(self, **attributes): """Return a new version of this band, with modified attributes.""" new_obj = deepcopy(self) new_obj.__dict__.update(attributes) new_obj.initialize() return new_obj